No passport as yet, but next year the jet could come in handy.I:I
I have a passport, just disguise yourself as a 19 year old teen with a slight goatee and a nice chin scar
No passport as yet, but next year the jet could come in handy.I:I
I have a passport, just disguise yourself as a 19 year old teen with a slight goatee and a nice chin scar
Goatee and chin scar poses no problems, easy fix!
Knocking of 50 or so years, would be one mammoth achievement.I:I
I'm closing the shop today at 3 PM for some Fall cleaning. Friday will be wrench day for anyone that needs it. Forecast still looks great all weekend. See you soon and remember........NO SLEEP TILL BROOKLYN!!!! You're probably not going to get much sleep even when you get here.
I will need some wrench time.
I will need quite a bit of wrench time lol I'm in parts right now