I put the seals in. I haven't tried to run a die on the threads yet. I might try that first. If not, I'm splitting the cases and doing a complete overhaul. The stator is screwed too. I have a bid on one on ebay now. It will work out eventually, just will take time.
What kind of piston are you planning on getting? If you want that piston bad, go out after school or work and do some odd jobs. Clean gutters, sweep driveways, wash cars, rake leaves etc. Im sure you can find some old lady that needs something done that she would be more than happy to pay you for! You can make the cash. Ive learned in my life that you can always make money, just have to find a way and have the desire to want to do so! Trust me, if you ask around and look, you'll have more than enough money buy Sunday Evening!