Kor ride

Just grabbed a new tin of wax for u ken!! I even got you some new Shammies! My blasty will be shining when you are done! :)
one more week guys, gonna be a hell of a time, may not get there till Friday, gonna be a late night putting the damn quad back together

bring whatever you have unassembled if need be.
we all help get it going...........
it will think it got worked on by an octapus I:I
yeah a lot of the work is done its just got a lot taken off of it from when I was going to part it lol, I figure with ken and u and me and whoever else we could have it done in no time
Well I sure am looking forward to this ride. Me and GB BLASTER have been putting in some serious hours so we can make it. Coming in at 6am working until 9pm, weekends included. CHA CHINGGGGGG!
Well I sure am looking forward to this ride. Me and GB BLASTER have been putting in some serious hours so we can make it. Coming in at 6am working until 9pm, weekends included. CHA CHINGGGGGG!

After all this work! This mini vacations gonna feel amazing.

Get all these shows done and get our a$$'s to Connecticut! :)
I am in for sure. My girl is going to make some peanut butter cookies. Hope to be there before dark friday evening. Anything else.... a dish to pass?
fixed ! I:I..................

if I had enough time I would bring some sh*t that will knock ur socks off!!

but I'm bring something just as good...a thanks to ken for his hospitality and putting my 4 wheeler together lol

I should be there thurs if my leave gets approved or Friday around 6 at night depending on work... They are being damn pricks about me taking time off
The forecast looks great for the ride. I made a few calls and may have some local celebrities showing up to greet you guys. Canadian MX champ Josh Clark, WWF Superstars OX Baker and Yukon Jack, Pro Circuit Factory wrench Ron Bushey and possibly AMA Pro John Dowd. I'm still working on getting Godsmack here but it's not looking good.
Hell, if they don't show, you still have me, Ian and Awk.