Need help finishing build. Detailed thread


Aug 16, 2024
Long time reader, first post. Here we go I’m in the space coast Florida elevation is bout 0-5ft todays temps 87 index will prob be hotter humidity will be about 61.
Blaster just got rebuilt by Ken, haven’t even started it yet but here’s my mods. +3 crank 66.5 kor top end Ken’s trail port and polish and head mod shaved to right under race fuel uni two part foam filter in a uni aluminum air box toomey exhaust vforce 4 reeds keihin pwk 28mm(jjh needle 32pilot and 290main) bikes also got banshee suspension all around might be extended I don’t think so but it is lowered and widened in the front and has a banshee rear(needs rear banshee caliper still whoops) then a few atheistic add ons.
#1 Ken just rebuilt my engine but I need to put the clutch cable mount back on …am I okay to loosen the one nut and then retorque it or will I need to loosen all four and retorque evenly around the cylinder.
#2 Hoping i can I get a few techs and/or admins to help with finding harmless jetting start points.
Cuz check it out guy I got it from in north central fl blew the bike up and wasn’t entirely truthful in the sale, this is my second blaster but I’ve worked on a few I knew it had problems but the work done too it was worth the price alone so I bit the bullet. Long story short I know toomey recommends 310 main for the oem mikuni.. a 290 keihin is like a 260/270 mikuni if my maths right(no chart I found went that high so I’m assuming by doubling the conversion for 155 to 132.5) that’s seems pretty low with my mods keep in mind guy thought he was running a 240 he wasnt 🤦‍♂️. The 32 pilot might be ok for my elevation but I’m not sure on that either I think I’ve seen people running toomey between 32.5 and 35 don’t think they stated elevations. I’m content with the jjh needle for now. I don’t want to blow it up again should I go to at least a 310 keihin to start or should I go higher because of my mods maybe a 340. Also the 290 says AB290 is that a quality jet or should I chuck it in the trash after I order some genuine keihin mains. The pilot is genuine.
#3 I usually run yama R2 mix 32/1 the bikes fresh, y’all anything else or does that sound good I want to keep it cool and lubricated well. I think my last blaster I ran atf type f in bottom end but on my rm250(shoutout to ken he’s building that too) I decided to start using maxima synthetic 100% ester. I read it’s really good stuff it’s real clean for your bottom end, but who knows what’s true when you’re reading stuff on internet… What y’all’s opinion before I try some of either in the blaster, like I said it’s fresh, dry.
I’ve read good stuff about castor and I am gonna get in touch with Ken see if he replaced my clutch plates and if so what he soaked them in.

I won’t be testing the bike for a few days going to rebuild my toomey rear, replace front seal and replace chain sprockets and rollers, and order some new jets.
I need to do heat cycles but obviously want safe jetting to begin with, should I go right into them soon as I know I’m rich or should I make sure I have near fine tune before I cycle also it’s been a few years if someone like AWK or BLAAAASTER or SLYDOG can let me know how they do there heat cycles I’d appreciate it I think you shouldn’t go past 1/4 throttle but it could be 1/2 or 3/4
I will absolutely plug chops Ken recommended I go to a Dyno for tuning I’d love to but I could only find one dyno shop in Florida that has a atv or side by side dyno, and guy is far expensive and he sounded rude.. I’m not that desperate yet. Maybe some of my Florida members know a good dyno shop hidden around here somewhere. Finding a stretch I can reach wide open 6th safely will take some initiative and creativity on my part.
Sorry if this is a lot guys I want this done right so it lasts I’m not the craziest rider and work a lot bike would be getting a few hours a week if that I have already purchased some cheap hrs meters I plan on tieing to the plugs on this and my RM. That way I can be meticulous about engine maintenance. I will be as active as possible on this post even tho it will be a few days until I begin cycles and chops im beyond excited my last blaster was just about stock(and I traded it for the RM😎) so I’m expecting a different machine altogether out of this one, hoping it pulls to the moon. But I’m well aware that’s dependent on perfecting this jetting.
Closing with hoping someone somewhere has similar build to me that can get me close or someone with keihin experience around my elevation, temp and humidity can help.
That someone can answer my first question but that I know Ken will, I’ll have to wait till Monday to call the shop tho I won’t bother the man on the weekend open or not.
That I get a bunch of suggestions/opinions for oil types, and that someone drops a real short straightforward heat cycle guide. The Florida dyno I know I’m asking for a lot and I’m not expecting much for that. Thanks anyone for the read and thanksX3000 for any help y’all provide me. Insane reading posts that are 10+ yrs old y’all’s guidance transcends time I appreciate it all. I’ll post pics in the morning
Not many members like you mentioned visit anymore but there's still some talent around. Not me. 🤣 .. As you know the archives are a great Blaster resource. Figure you trust this guy. 🍻

I figure some went to Facebook. No ongoing threads to exchange ideas. No archives & plenty of ignorant trolls. Just kinda faded away. Kinda sad. But we still like pictures
I guess I can only upload two of the OG blaster. But this one I’m working on is sick I know it’s gonna turn heads when people see it on the trails.


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Ok, one thing you should know is Keihin jet sizes run totally different than Mikuni. I've been running Keihin for years and years on my Hondas (that came with and still come with Keihins from factory) and run larger Keihin PWKs on my pair of ATC250Rs.

So 230 is the stock spec for the main jet in OEM Mikuni carb. This is roughly equivalent to appx a 128-130 Keihin, just a ballpark. I'd say with your kids I would try appx 145-150 on the main for your PWK28. A 290 in Keihin jet sizing is massive, not sure they even go that high.
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Hey red are you sure about those conversations the chart I read wasn’t so dramatic and it claimed larger Keihin would convert to a smaller mikuni


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I'm not sure in that chart, but I can tell you that a 190 Keihin main is very large. My Eddie Sanders 350R doesn't even run quite that large of a main.

I'd have to look at my notes on my jet box, but if I recall, my daughters mostly stock Blaster with the PWK28 I believe is running nice on a 140 main.

If you are running anywhere near a 200 main in your PWK it's going to be insanely rich.
So what are you thinking.. that dude shoved a 290 mikuni in the keihin..? That could explain how he blew it up if didn’t understand jetting whatsoever to that extent that’s rough because it’s got a 290 main jet man. I’ll try and find out what jetting people ran with a Keihin and toomey pipe regardless of evelation as a rough start, I’m guessing that if he did that he probably cross threaded my needle jet too?
That is very odd. Looking at the specs for this Mikuni main jet, I could see it being possible he used this jet instead of a Keihin jet. This Mikuni jet has a slightly larger thread diameter and could possibly have been run in there.

This is the only Mikuni main jet that resembles the correct Keihin main jet for your PWK.

I might pull that jet and take some measurements to start trying to make heads or tails of what you have there.
Red id hope to think so if it is they put so much detail into it China might be the new go to.. it has genuine pilot jjh needle and genuine 3.5 slide weight. All oemish long as carb didn’t come off a ktm85 the only needles that didn’t have Keihin markings was the needle jet and main
That solves that mystery kinda. Must be a Kawasaki jet in there but I still need to figure out from what. Whoever owned the bike befor the guy who sold me it definitely took good care of it, think he raced there’s a entry sticker on it, guy that I bought it from was either clueless or actor
Edit: Actually it is a EBC brakes mikuni jet. Great now I’m wondering if it’s got a mikuni needle jet in it as well


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That's the thing, Keihin only has two types of hex main jets, the shorter one that goes with your PWK and a longer one that goes in other types.. this is a weird situation...something is off. Definitely can't rule out a china carb here with these older machines, no telling if a previous owner swapped in a China copy thinking it was genuine Keihin. The Sudco website (main US distributor of Keihin carbs) does have some info on how to spot a fake
But why would a Chinese copy have genuine Keihin jets and okay said they did why go thru the effort of adding a genuine slide weight as well. I’ve been reading up and I can’t find anything about blasters yet but in a Honda rebel forum guy said mikuni jets fit in his Keihin. This sucks
I wish I could be of more help. I'm not sure what you have going on there. All I know is Keihin mains don't go that high, something is wonky here.

Got any good pics of the main jet that's in it now that would show us the markings on it?
But why would a Chinese copy have genuine Keihin jets and okay said they did why go thru the effort of adding a genuine slide weight as well. I’ve been reading up and I can’t find anything about blasters yet but in a Honda rebel forum guy said mikuni jets fit in his Keihin. This sucks
Many of the Chinese clones will accept genuine needles and brass.