Read through a few of your threads after I:I Really tidy work!
Did I read you were thinking of making a bolt on long travel mount for the 400ex shock? Dibs on the first set if so :O
I was not campaining for votes, I just wanted to make sure everyone votes! Where did I ask for your vote? LOL Anyway maybe you just like the words (pisses off).
(The chain contest kinda pissed some peeps off cuz it took too long and slowed down the site using up way to much precious bandwidth that could have been used for more important chatter ... LOL ... anyway,)
yea man its all hand cut...what a pain in the azz that is lol...heres a better pic man with some temparary paint to see how shes gonna look lol....we need to get a few more materials to finish up some stuff, but hopefully u will see a thread real soon about it lol
Freek ... that is trick! ... is that hand cut or cnc? I suspect from you it's hand made ... LOL ... if ya need any web stickers made to fit just let me know
hey otis, i gotta say i truley enjoyed the beer, it was real smooth and i loved that little jalapeno bite that was left over, great job on it bro, very tasty for sure...when my next shipment bahahhahahahahaahaha j/k, thanx again man