Never say blasters arent awesome!!!!


New Member
Oct 30, 2008
ok, aren't we easily amused, a blaster doing a wheelie ???
is that you ?????
I like the rebel flag the

they have "rebels" in oregon ???
maybe the canadians are called "yanks" too

seriously, we're just playin bro, very nice pic
looks like sumthin from a magazine
It may not look like it in the pic but the tree shots are long & steep. Like a steep dune with tree obstacles to go around. Just to get to the top is the goal. To clear the top carrying the front tires on a Blaster is pretty awesome. Nice pic, Wish everyone could know the feeling :)
evidently you guys have never seen or ridden the treeshots on the oregon dunes

On the contrary, Ridden pretty much every square inch of the oregon coast(thats legal, and some that isnt lol). Yes they are difficult to negotiate, but to wheelie them is easy. The hard part is keeping the front end down lol.