KOR 6mm stroker crank !!!!!!

We had a chance to do some assembly yesterday. We measured the outside radius at the big end of the rod and found it was .019” smaller than a Hot Rods + 4mm. Tarmo trenched the cases and the new + 6mm shaft fit like a glove. I did a mock up assembly and found that the cases needed additional clearance at the top. Very similar to what needs to be done to some of the Vitos + 3 mm strokers. I also found that the bottom of the piston skirt was making contact with the cases at the bottom of its stroke. I ended up cutting a few thousands off the skirt and measuring the clearance with some modeling clay. Once I was able to turn the crank with the cylinder on, I bolted a degree wheel on and checked my port timing. The exhaust port opens at 88 ATDC and the transfer ports open at 114 ATDC. Both very workable numbers. I marked the cylinder and started working on the ports. If Tarmo shows up today, we could finish this thing tonight.
I am not trying to tell you your buisness as I know full well that you know what you are doing, but maybe a few more thou off of the skirt would be good to allow for expansion and wear.

It is surprising just how much more the piston is thrown down at high revs.
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I am not trying to tell you your buisness as I know full well that you know what you are doing, but maybe a few more thou off of the skirt would be good to allow for expansion and wear.

It is surprising just how much more the piston is thrown down at high revs.

I thought of that and have .040" from the case to the skirt.
Seems to me it would be advantageous to remove the material from the case instead of the bottom of the piston. I'm told that's how they were installed when they were current production.

When given the choice of spending 5 minutes in the lathe or an hour setting up and milling cases……..I took the fast track.
I have no idea how anyone else built them, nor do i follow what any other builder has/is doing, ever.
We figure it out as we go and apply the KOR magic.
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So you made offset bushings for rod pin? What rod did you use? I've seen talk of long rod applications, what rod/piston is used? I'm familiar with the Banshee long rod/piston set-up and am wondering. Different crown profile needing different dome profile?
Looks good Boss!!!! As always great job and funny thing is it will work flawlessly.With any luck it won't snag a ring!!!:o8-|