Blasterforum national meet!!!

If you can get 100 people to go, ill think about it. If its not like on the west coast.

*Trailerpooling would be big help

well it definitly wouldnt be in the west coast it is gonna be somewhere within driving range of everybody on the forum the only problem is if we will have enough people who want to go and actually finding a place big enough to accomodate all of us
Guys badlands ORV, IN sounds real fun

did anyone check out the link I posted??

blanshee its about 18 hours for you and closer for you blasterdude

i noticed that it was closer but im thinking we should be leaning more south a little more east maybe like tennesee? or that little sahara place in oklahoma. it needs to be somewhere in the middle of the country IMO
i think kansas, missouri, iowa or nebraska woulnt be bad places to possibly meet seeing a they seem to be the most centralized states
badlands had a bunch of crap on there website sounded real promising thats why i posted it

if you have some other places post it up. so far the me and YB200 are like the furtherest away to the west
maybe you should post where we want to go to so its like a big vote

what about hatfield macoy??

can you make a poll with states in it so that people could vote for which state they would prefer to drive 2. i was thinking we should head to the states that are more to the middle of the country