Whats the fastest quad your Blaster has beaten?

I know there is a lot of blasty hatin goin on. how bout some vids of blastys whoopin some ass. and before someone says something stupid like they dont exist let me say SHUT THE f*ck UP. thanks now let see em!!!!
your an idiot, why would you come on a blaster fourm?
your not gonna get far here.

no, not an idiot, i just like to have fun
same as you and every one else

lt80.... as in something like 7hp?

come on guys port and polish the crap out of those things

btw look up ram port tuning if you don't know what it is
be hard to do on a 2T but i think it would be worth it
Would you guys STFU? Im sick of seeing this sh*t. This forum is going down hill fast with ass holes like you on here. Yeah some of the kids on here think their blaster is fast and the best thing around. But most of us know their not the fastest quad around and never say that they are, stop spamming the forum with your sh*t. If you dont like blasters then go make an anti blaster forum. But ether way, SHUT THE f*ck UP!
Would you guys STFU? Im sick of seeing this sh*t. This forum is going down hill fast with ass holes like you on here. Yeah some of the kids on here think their blaster is fast and the best thing around. But most of us know their not the fastest quad around and never say that they are, stop spamming the forum with your sh*t. If you dont like blasters then go make an anti blaster forum. But ether way, SHUT THE f*ck UP!
i vote to close this thread because people cant be mature:(
people just keep fighting and i believe it is just not worth it anymore so whoever is in charge could you please just close down this worthless thread thank you
this one time, i didnt like what these people were fighting about in this thread, so i clicked the x button at the top right of the screen and i didnt see the thread anymore.
worked for me
this one time, i didnt like what these people were fighting about in this thread, so i clicked the x button at the top right of the screen and i didnt see the thread anymore.
worked for me

thats not the point i shouldnt have to read threw so many pages of argument its just rediculous.
i shouldnt have to exit the page i should be abile to read what people beat on the trail not a bunch of people calling eachother names and starting crap its like almost everyone on this thread is 2
i vote to close this thread because people cant be mature:(
people just keep fighting and i believe it is just not worth it anymore so whoever is in charge could you please just close down this worthless thread thank you

Well I think your a big doody head! lol J/K

That's what internet arguing is for, to prove who is the Retard King!
And to those who think I was being a dick when I said the fastest quad I have beaten was a LT80, I wasn't. All other quads around my area are faster. Modded 400s, 450s, Shees, sh*t like that, hard to beat them on a stock Blaster. Once I get the new engine into it, I think I will have some more impressive wins.