welding projects for high school

yeah im liking it, but wish i had it all day instead of for hour and 45 minutes

my high school was one of the only vocational-technical schools in the nation way back then.
i had a whole week of shop, then a week of classes, rotating for my 3 years of high school.
i liked it.

nice beads giz !
my high school was one of the only vocational-technical schools in the nation way back then.
i had a whole week of shop, then a week of classes, rotating for my 3 years of high school.
i liked it.

nice beads giz !

thats awesome!!!

yeah i have the lincoln 185 maxed out i have it set to 185 and pretty much have the pedal to the max all the time except coming up on the end of the bead, he has a miller 250..... but i dont like it and im almost done TIGing, and onto wire feed for my next project.
looking great!! back in my high school days, all we had to weld with was a gas torch and stick weld. i did great with both but neither produce pretty welds like a tig.
looking great!! back in my high school days, all we had to weld with was a gas torch and stick weld. i did great with both but neither produce pretty welds like a tig.
looking great!! back in my high school days, all we had to weld with was a gas torch and stick weld. i did great with both but neither produce pretty welds like a tig.

oxy-actylene or torch welding was welding I class, yeah we had a bunch of tests in the beginning of the class testing us on MIG and arc, i can lay a sweet bead with Arc 7018 and am pretty good at MIG also.

tried my hardest to get bike stand done today..... but the drill press chuck fell off the other day and he hadnt fixed it yet..... and the only drill bits he has are crap.... he ran out of money getting new stuff(hes a new teacher at our school but has a few years in at another) so i brought home the lift linkages to work on tonight and hope to finish it tomrrow.
Some good looking welds Gizzy. Tig is by far the hardest to get right but yours look amazing for just starting out.
Besides walking the cup, id say feeding the wire is the toughest part of it lol.
Keep up the good work man, love to see welding pics...especially gtaw.
If you plan on a tech school..and want to get a head start i suggest start looking at blueprints and get familiar with them..its a huge part of school.
Some good looking welds Gizzy. Tig is by far the hardest to get right but yours look amazing for just starting out.
Besides walking the cup, id say feeding the wire is the toughest part of it lol.
Keep up the good work man, love to see welding pics...especially gtaw.
If you plan on a tech school..and want to get a head start i suggest start looking at blueprints and get familiar with them..its a huge part of school.

yep welding college class starts for me 4 days after high school graduation.... yeah im familiar with all that stuff as i have taken all the CAD classes and drafting classes my school has

i found feeding the wire to not be that hard if you have TIG gloves on, sure they dont stop much heat.... but it makes welding way easier
yep welding college class starts for me 4 days after high school graduation.... yeah im familiar with all that stuff as i have taken all the CAD classes and drafting classes my school has

i found feeding the wire to not be that hard if you have TIG gloves on, sure they dont stop much heat.... but it makes welding way easier
thats good man...i never did any of that in high school so im learning alot now as i go to Triangle Tech.
and yes tig gloves for sure! My one instructor uses a tig glove on his wire feed hand and regular glove on his torch hand...odd but it works. Looking forward to seeing some more of your projects man!
thats good man...i never did any of that in high school so im learning alot now as i go to Triangle Tech.
and yes tig gloves for sure! My one instructor uses a tig glove on his wire feed hand and regular glove on his torch hand...odd but it works. Looking forward to seeing some more of your projects man!

yeah i did that for a day.... but then just went to using both TIG gloves, cause its more comfortable, on the air cooled torch im using it gets hot with that little glove after awhile though.
Feeding the filler gets harder when welding pipe or anything in a fixed position other than flat. Maintaining the proper filler angle is important also. I try to maintain the filler at 30° and I never let the filler touch the work. Here is my weld requalification on 4" sch 40 carbon steel some years ago. I walked the cup using CK's ceramic cup (gray cup) size 4 root through last fill pass then a medium gas defuser and size 8 cup for the cover pass. I freehand with alumina cups. Ceramics handle the heat better and less acceptable to thermal shock. Depending on the work, different cup sizes and tungsten stick-out makes a world of difference.

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Feeding the filler gets harder when welding pipe or anything in a fixed position other than flat. Maintaining the proper filler angle is important also. I try to maintain the filler at 30° and I never let the filler touch the work. Here is my weld requalification on 4" sch 40 carbon steel some years ago. I walked the cup using CK's ceramic cup, I freehand with alumina cups. Ceramics handle the heat better and less acceptable to thermal shock.

wow very nice and great info. What position was the requal? 6g?
wow very nice and great info. What position was the requal? 6g?
Requalification for Carbon Steel was 4" sch 40 in a 1-G and Stainless Steel requalification was 2" sch 80 in a 6-G.

Giz I remember just starting out, and practice makes a good welder not a perfect welder. I had my days were I wanted to throw in the towel, but i kept trying until i got it down. I've been around long enough to know when someone has the gift in welding. And based off of what I see, you have it.
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Requalification for Carbon Steel was 4" sch 40 in a 1-G and Stainless Steel requalification was 2" sch 80 in a 6-G.

Giz I remember just starting out, and practice makes a good welder not a perfect welder. I had my days were I wanted to throw in the towel, but i kept trying until i got it down. I've been around long enough to know when someone has the gift in welding. And based off of what I see, you have it.

thanks man, my grandpa inspired me really..... he was a welder for 38 years, hes in his 70's now and was going to maybe find a job this winter because he cant sit still, and he built guns for the S.S. Arizona and one other ship but i dont remember the other one, and worked in a shop that built baking equipment, huge mixers and what not else he worked on there idk, lots of stories from him

and there that saying "what you lack in welding you can make up in grinding"
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very nice work giz !

now hack that bike stand down to 9-1/2" to fit under my blaster and i'll forward my shipping info to ya :)