06 Blaster MX build


Feb 10, 2016
Ok so I’ve posted different questions in a few different places and figured it would be best to consolidate everything into one build thread. First a little background. I sold the Blaster in my Avatar a little over a year ago and finally had the time & money to start a new project. I found an 06 Blaster Special Edition on CL for $650. After negotiating with the seller, I picked it up for $400. The ad stated it ran great, but would need a new master and the front brakes bled. This was the night I picked it up.


After getting it home. I began to tear into it and look over my new purchase. The seat cover was torn. The hood was missing. The axle carrier was replaced with an 88-02 unit and the rear caliper is from a Polaris. The master cylinder for the rear was gone and the cables/wiring was a mess.


So the first thing I did was start on replacing the rear master. I found a used OEM master on eBay, but they wanted $100. Being cheap, I picked up a “Chinese” master for a Banshee and proceeded to make it fit. After cutting off the original mounts, and welding on new tabs. I had a functioning rear master cylinder.


Next on the list was to take care of the wiring. The stop/run/headlight switch was missing. Since I’m not running any lights, I didn’t need a light option, so a standard stop/run switch was perfect. While I was tearing the wiring apart, I removed the 12v converter, Tors, and parking brake wires.


With no more Tors wires. There wasn’t a point in keeping the brick on top of the carb. I ordered a Motion Pro Tors eliminator and idle screw kit and got to work installing those.


The quad still had the oil injection. So that was next on the list. I removed the lines, drained the transmission fluid and pulled the cover. Instead of using a block off plate, I pulled the oil pump apart and used the small cap from the oil pump as a plug for the hole in the clutch cover. I sealed it with silicone and reassembled.


While I was waiting on other parts to arrive, I scoured Facebook Market Place and found a DG front bumper for $20. I talked to the seller and went down over the weekend to pick it up. It was bent slightly on the right side and had been painted with black spray paint but for $20, I called it a win. I brought it home, put my wire wheel in my angle grinder and cleaned it up. Then I proceeded to use the MAP torch to heat the aluminum and bend it back into shape. After everything was good, I sprayed it with silver automotive enamel.


At this point, I’m waiting on more parts to arrive. I’ll keep this updated as things progress.
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FMF Powercore II slip on arrived today. Currently mounted it to the stock expansion chamber. As soon as I have another coupon, I’ll pickup the FMF fatty chamber to go with the silencer.


After mounting the pipe, I also removed the torn seat cover. I’ll be getting a replacement as soon as I make a final decision on the new color scheme.

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Ok, things have been busy lately and I haven’t had much time to work on the quad. I did just order a Banshee axle and new carrier bearings. I also picked up a length of 2”x1” steel and will be fabricating a new swing arm as soon as time allows. Once parts arrive, and works gets done, I’ll post more pics and updates.
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New bearings came in and the Banshee axle should be here any day. Figured this would be a good time to rebuild the used carrier I picked up. First I knocked out the old bearings. Then it was time for a good scrubbing and a paint job. Here’s a little Before and After.





As soon as the paint dries, I’ll be installing the new bearings. After that, it’s on to fabricating a swing arm.

I also stopped by the stealership today and picked up a new Drain Bolt and Washer. The original was badly stripped and had to be cut to be removed with a flathead screwdriver. Nothing major, but it’s the little things that count.
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Allowed the carrier to air dry. Then put it in the oven at 200° for 20 mins to harden the enamel. Definitely is a lot better than before, and the bearings actually work.
Banshee axle arrived today. I tried to test fit everything together but it looks like I’m going to have to pound the axle in with a hammer when I’m ready to install everything. The axle is a pretty tight fit into the bearings and not something I can just press together by hand. Still no complaints at $70 for a brand new Banshee axle.

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I would take some emery cloth and polish it just enough to reduce the diameter just a hair. Might be a burrito on it or even parts are at opposite ends of tolerance. One a hair big one a hair small.

I sure as heck wouldn't beat on it.
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I would take some emery cloth and polish it just enough to reduce the diameter just a hair. Might be a burrito on it or even parts are at opposite ends of tolerance. One a hair big one a hair small.

I sure as heck wouldn't beat on it.

Thanks a lot. That worked great. Polished it out, added a bit of bearing grease, and a couple light taps with the rubber mallet set it snuggly in place. Didn’t have to beat on it at all and everything spins like butter.
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Worked on removing the old axle and carrier assembly today. I realized that the original lock nuts look like hell on my new axle. Time for a Dura Blue lock nut.
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I purchased a 2005 Raptor 660 brake hub off eBay because I had read that the Banshee and Raptor 660 hubs were the same. Well it arrived yesterday and I tried to slide it onto the Banshee axle. The hub is about 2mm too small. So lesson learned. I don’t know if 2005 is different or if the seller sent the wrong hub, but I ordered a Banshee hub and will have it installed when it shows up.
Started working on the custom swing arm today. I’m going to be using the carrier brackets and bearings from the stock swing arm. Everything else will be fabbed from 2x1 steel tubing. I built a wooden jig to keep everything as square as possible. All of the parts will be measured multiple times before final welding to insure that everything is square.


The stock swing arm measures 12 inches from the pivot bearing to the carrier mount. I will be extending +3, so the new tubing will be 15 inches.


After cutting the new tubes, I mounted the tube in my vice and used a square, level and welding magnet to hold everything in place prior to tack welding.


I forgot to take a picture of the welds prior to cleaning them up. Everything on this side came out well. Now to do the other side, then it’s back to my jig.



Mounted the new left side to the frame to verify that everything is square. Now to work on the other side.


Both arms are now finished and attached to the mount. I remembered to take a photo of my welds this time before grinding them down and cleaning things up. Tomorrow I’m going to work on the carrier brackets and getting the carrier square to the frame.


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Got a little more work done today. It’s starting to look like a swing arm.

Mocking up and squaring the carrier.

Everything is tacked and ready for final welding.
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