my daughter's blaster build

the shocks are getting green covers with black tribal graphics. hopefully they will get here soon. its looks crappy with the red springs lol
man, those are some awesome PC'ing skills. definitely the most colorful blaster i've seen.
my daughter asked for color so i gave it to her! hahah just about 4 lbs of powder. i ran out of green just as i finished the swinger which was my last part i want to do green. i couldnt have planned that if i tried lol
good stuff bro, awesome lookin build so far !!!!!
97 wrangler lifted 33" tires winch brush guard bumpers etc. I got a deal on it that a couldn't pass up. She was 9 at the time. I got the jeep and said here you go! Lol
Awesome work bro !!! Really nice stuff !
As far as the plastic a arm inserts in the stock ball joints , you might want to get a product called Heat Fence . I use it while welding . It is used to shield heat from traveling too far from your weld . It's a play dough putty material and will withstand temperatures associated with BOA welding ( insanely hot ) . You could pack that around the joint and then cook the piece .
Anyways , nice build !
Awesome work bro !!! Really nice stuff !
As far as the plastic a arm inserts in the stock ball joints , you might want to get a product called Heat Fence . I use it while welding . It is used to shield heat from traveling too far from your weld . It's a play dough putty material and will withstand temperatures associated with BOA welding ( insanely hot ) . You could pack that around the joint and then cook the piece .
Anyways , nice build !
now you've got me curious about this heat puddy... you think a guy that works on welders cough cough dem3500 cough cough would have eard of such a product... HAHA
ye im curious about that heat putty too. ill have to check it out.
370 you know i work on resistance welders fool!
ye im curious about that heat putty too. ill have to check it out.
370 you know i work on resistance welders fool!
and thta means what exactly? that i can't toss ya under a bus from time to time? i thought we were friends! hahahaha
the latest updates.......
blaster is back in the garage on 4 wheels again
engine is done
my daughter learning how to build an engine

engine is done! waiting for the exhasust to get cleaned up and re installed. its almost there.
also waiting for the shock covers. the add said a couple of days to make them. when i check on the shipping it says two more weeks and i ordered them a week ago! eh whatever i guess. i just hope there worth the wait.