Project YSF250r is a go! A Baja built yz250 swapped blaster.

Don’t go rubber, doesn’t help. The biggest thing is make sure the engine is mounted at the head stay. Not having a head stay is where a ton of vibration comes from. Use machined aluminum bushings you will be glad you did. Also getting a good (but expensive) anti vibe stem and bar clamp really makes a difference. Good luck on build and hope this helps
I would’ve thought the head stay would get more vibes coming through? Thanks for the tip.
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I would’ve thought the head stay would get more vibes coming through? Thanks for the tip.
Not at all. Not in my experience at least. This is only my 2nd 2 stroke hybrid build so I’m sure there are others who know much more about it than me. I can only speak on what has and hasn’t worked for me. IMO, More points of contact = more bushings to dampen the vibes & added structural integrity.

Also, to make the rear long travel on my hybrid I am centering the rear upper shock mount on frame, adding a linkage mount on the lower rail directly behind where the bottom motor mount used to be, and retro fitting a yfz or trx swinger with linkage. i know the yfz only needs 3mm off of the outer ear to fit in the blaster frame; and they use the same pivot bolt