my daughter's blaster build

the gun is a crappy HF gun. a new good one is on the list and will be bought when i start doing frames.

whats techniques are you interested in? there's a different one for almost every part lol.

I was interested in temps and time between coats as well as how you protected the balljoints.

Well maybe you can start a powder thread, lots of us here enjoy learning.
i took off the boot and covered up and sealed the ball joint with tinfoil. then regreased it after it was all done. ive done it on a bunch of banshee arms before but it looks like the 03 blasty arms have a plastic lining that partially melted out. i wouldnt recommend it to anyone. it did loosen up the joint ever so slightly. i plan on either building or buying some extended arms in the near future.
i used the manufacturer temps and the time between coats varied depending on the situation i was in. most translucent colors lay down better with a hot part but in situations like the engine i had to spray the pink after the part was cool in order the wipe off the fins
i was just gona post up the crap load of parts i have left over. some are even powder coated but found out i need 300 posts first! oh well lol i guess i need to start posting haha
i was just gona post up the crap load of parts i have left over. some are even powder coated but found out i need 300 posts first! oh well lol i guess i need to start posting haha

well maybe if a pic of all the left over parts slipped into the thread people could pick out what they want and shoot ya a pm at thier own risk lol. thats the deal with the 300 posts, someone with so many post is usually less likely to rip people off
well maybe if a pic of all the left over parts slipped into the thread people could pick out what they want and shoot ya a pm at thier own risk lol. thats the deal with the 300 posts, someone with so many post is usually less likely to rip people off

i completely understand. ive been in the loosing end of a sale before.
just some of the pile of left overs lol




i need a right heel guard. the plastic piece that connects between the fender and the floor board. the one that was on it when i bought the blasty was beat up pretty bad and i cant find one anywhere. if anybody has a lead on one please let me know. i do want one in good condition though. another beat up one isn't worth much to me.
damn! i wish i knew what to do with all these perfectly good parts. i guess they will have to sit in my garage till the end of