I'm going back to the yamaha "auto lube" oil injection! Why? Because it works!!!

I don't understand the purpose of this thread. If someone wants to mix, so be it. If someone wants to use the injection system, fine. Either way, when engine damage occurs, it's likely the owner failed to properly maintain or tune their engine. This thread has little hope of anything other than starting arguments. Out of the 60+ posts, the only one that would be helpful to anyone is when you went through the steps of bleeding the system. Joe, you have started some good threads, providing some great information. If you want to display the myths, start a thread, do some testing and outline the a procedure to properly maintain/care for the system. I personally use the system on my Blaster. I've owned a few bikes that were injected and have never had a problem with any of them. I'm not a maintenance freak but I do notice when something is different and I look into what's but I'm one of the ones here who knows very little about building engines. I haven't taken the time to read the manual, I'll look something up if I need to but that's about it. I'm sure you have information about the injection system, that would be useful to me and many others but starting a thread like this isn't going to get it out there. There is an old saying that had to do with flies, honey a vinegar......think about it.
Thats sounds pretty accurate and strait forward to me... No personal experience of it failing. Just alot of rumors,and "he said she said",or assumptions that it was the "Auto Lube" system that caused they're problems.

I will agree, it is quite accurate and straight forward to state that I have no personal experience with my oil injection system failing. The person I bought my basket case from had deleted it before I got the quad and I have never looked back. In fact, when I went to put it together, I cut out my own block-off plate (they had simply removed the gear inside) and gasket for it. I repeat, I have NEVER looked back.

I agree with dksix on this one. People who aren't going to run the oil injection (ME!), you're not going to change their minds about it. People who are going to run the oil injection will. Perhaps what you would like to achieve is a forum wide understanding of how the system works and let people make up their own minds about it?

However, I wouldn't expect anyone on here to stop asking whether the oil injection is still on a blaster when a new member comes on asking "my blaster blew up, what's wrong?". The fact that it CAN be a source of failure (whether that's maintenance, tuning, or simply an air bubble) is enough to warrant asking the question.
Good deal! Sounds good. I have a few ideas for a "Auto Lube" demostration video to help people understand the system better.

I work with some very talented engineers (who happen to own my company), implementing and trouble shooting the designs they spend many hours to come up with. It has taught me the importance of tact, when telling someone they are wrong. Another old saying that has always served me well.....For those who believe, no proof is necessary....for those who don't believe, no proof is possible. I only fight the battles that can be won.
just because you want to use it doesnt mean everybody else does... stop trying to convince everybody to use it. of course it came stock on the blaster and yes it does work and im not contesting that. im not going to worry about my injection pump failing or the plastic gear failing, just like your not going to worry about getting dirt into the system. why would you wipe the lid off if you werent WORRIED about getting dirt in it? so dont worry about keeping dirt out of the system or keeping any part of it functioning. i would like to see you bleed the system trail side when its covered in mud :)

every builder i have talked to advises to use castor based oils and where can i get injector oil thats castor based? nowhere...

klots is 13-15 a quart.. seriously

next im goig to put the tors system back on so i dont hurt myself...

i also have some drum brakes that might work good for you.
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just because you want to use it doesnt mean everybody else does... stop trying to convince everybody to use it. of course it came stock on the blaster and yes it does work and im not contesting that. im not going to worry about my injection pump failing or the plastic gear failing, just like your not going to worry about getting dirt into the system. why would you wipe the lid off if you werent WORRIED about getting dirt in it? so dont worry about keeping dirt out of the system or keeping any part of it functioning. i would like to see you bleed the system trail side when its covered in mud :)

every builder i have talked to advises to use castor based oils and where can i get injector oil thats castor based? nowhere...

klots is 13-15 a quart.. seriously

next im goig to put the tors system back on so i dont hurt myself...

i also have some drum brakes that might work good for you.

I don't believe joe is trying to convince everyone to put their injector back on. I believe he is just proving that it isn't as unreliable as everyone says it is. Not worrying about getting dirt in is totally different then not doing maintenance correctly. Next time you change your oil, are you going to do it while covered in mud? I doubt it. So why would you do it when filling the injector? Just wipe it off and be on the way.

I often wondered why the banshee never came stock with this fabulous never failing system???

No one ever said it's "never" failing. It's highly unlikely that it will as long as you take care of it, like everything else engine-related. As he stated, there's millions of cars that run an injection system, are they all blowing up? No.

The injector is purely personal choice. Most people take theirs off because of the whole "he said she said" crap and it really isn't all too accurate. There are much more viable reasons to why the engine blew up to just the injector.
every builder i have talked to advises to use castor based oils and where can i get injector oil thats castor based? nowhere...

I think I actually found some...
Anybody ever try this stuff? The 455 ultra is supposed to be for injectors. Any body ever try any of this product?

They say this...

"The ultimate racing oil developed for the new generation of higher-revving 2-stroke engines. The latest in anti-friction and Extreme Pressure (EP) additives allow maximum horsepower while practically eliminating engine wear. Use this oil in all temperatures such as in snowmobile and motorcycle oil injection systems."

I couldn't find anything in depth.

If this product is good for snowmobiles and good to 30 below zero,then it must flow in the cold.

Now that I think about it,don't alot, if not all of the two stroke snowmobiles use oil injection sytems?

I'm guessing...not many snowmobiles in the desert where I'm at.
If this product is good for snowmobiles and good to 30 below zero,then it must flow in the cold.

Now that I think about it,don't alot, if not all of the two stroke snowmobiles use oil injection sytems?

I'm guessing...not many snowmobiles in the desert where I'm at.

yes most snowmbiles do run injection, but injection delete kits are very common
Just for the record,I'm not trying to get anybody to put oil injection on they're blasters. I'm just stating a fact that I've never seen a "worn out injector pump",or "broken gear",or any failed part pertaining to the "Auto Lube" injection system. EVER. I was mixing for part of the summer to experiment with different oils,and oil ratios. One reason I did this is because I kept hearing from many people that pre-mixing the fuel gives more power verses oil injection. I now know that that is a complete load of crap. I'm one of those guys that say..."Show me".
I think your the man for the job joe. Let us know how it works. I w aonder what the castor content is and also what ratio snowmobiles injector systems use.

Kronik i dont change my oil everytime i need fuel nor do i wash my quad everytime i need fuel/injector oil. What is the mainenance schedulle for the pump anyways?
After reading your comment,its safe to say that you have never bled an "Auto Lube" sytem on a blaster.

About the maximum you will have to bleed is a table spoon or two...maybe three. Its actually very little oil that needs to be bled. PLUS... That half tank of oil left is still good for about two tanks of fuel,or perhaps a little less depending if your riding on the needle,or riding on the jet,so you will run out of fuel LONG BEFORE you run out of the oil.

So....... Your buddy would be towing you back because you ran out of FUEL not oil. Then when you get back to "base camp" you fill up with fuel,AND then you would fill up the oil tank. Simple. :)

You can always carry a small bottle of oil under the seat next to the tool kit if you feel the need.

Y Not Call The Oiler Junk It, If The Gear Was To Wear Down.... Ur Kinda f*cked Metal On Plastic A Good 4-6yrs Of It, Can Kill The Plastic Gear Easily... If U Cant Learn To Pre Mix Your Oil Then... Sounds Like Your Not Sure How The Oiler Even Works....
Y Not Call The Oiler Junk It, If The Gear Was To Wear Down.... Ur Kinda f**cked Metal On Plastic A Good 4-6yrs Of It, Can Kill The Plastic Gear Easily... If U Cant Learn To Pre Mix Your Oil Then... Sounds Like Your Not Sure How The Oiler Even Works....

looks like you don't know how the period works. There is usually only one to end a thought... (unless it is a trailing sentence with the implication of a question like that)

couldn't resist

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Y Not Call The Oiler Junk It, If The Gear Was To Wear Down.... Ur Kinda f**cked Metal On Plastic A Good 4-6yrs Of It, Can Kill The Plastic Gear Easily... If U Cant Learn To Pre Mix Your Oil Then... Sounds Like Your Not Sure How The Oiler Even Works....

"Y Not Call The Oiler Junk It, If The Gear Was To Wear Down...."
What? What does that mean?

"Ur Kinda f**cked Metal On Plastic A Good 4-6yrs Of It, Can Kill The Plastic Gear Easily..."
I kind of understood that one,but wrong again! my buddy has an 91 blaster that he has owned since it was new m(21 years old) and is ridden regularly since new. Its on its first over bore (66.25 mm)and the over bore has 9 years on it...you read that right 9 years. Its running its stock oil injection,and the delrin gear was in perfect,and I do mean PERFECT condition when we recently inspected the clutch.

"If U Cant Learn To Pre Mix Your Oil Then... Sounds Like Your Not Sure How The Oiler Even Works.."
What? Translation please.

My mama raised no dummy. I dug her rapp.
Mine was gone when I bought my blaster. If it was there I would use it. I could care less either way. If it was terribly unreliable Yamaha wouldn't have used it. Rather you use it or not is a personal preference.
I must say, I don't believe the myth of oil pump drive gear failures myself. Plastic has improved immensely in chemical composition since the '60s, and these modern Delrin gears will take a beating. They are run in a constant oil bath to boot, to help keep temps down.

And before anybody says plastic gears suck in general, keep in mind that all modern small engine manufacturers have models out on the market which use Delrin timing gears. Honda's new GX 690 V-twins have a plastic cam gear, which so far has worked very well. Briggs and Stratton has gone so far as to run plastic camshafts (lobes and gear on a metal shaft) with no problems. In fact, the METAL decompression weight mechanism is usually what gives trouble!! :o

I've seen many a Briggs and Stratton engine run so hot and so low on oil that it throws a rod. Even then, the timing gears won't melt.

In the case of lawn equipment, the plastic gears run quieter and save weight, hence their widespread use.

Food for thought.
I’m going to side with Joe on this one. I’ve done a ton of Blaster engines and I can tell you this. I’ve NEVER pulled one apart and seen the drive gear damaged, worn, or broken. Can the pump or any of the components fail? Yup. The possibility is there but chances are the reeds, piston or crankshaft will fail long before the auto-lube system will and that’s what will leave you stranded in the woods. I don’t run the system on my quad or most of my builds. I don’t mind mixing my fuel and oil. The elimination of the system leaves zero chance that the engine will fail due to lack of 2 stroke oil unless the rider forgets to mix it with the fuel. The elimination of the pump costs from $0 - $20 depending on how you do it. Let’s face it. We all love to do mods and any improvement we can make for that amount of money is hard to resist. Kudos to you Joe for having the sack to suggest the unpopular opinion.