I don't run injection because it gives the Quad a cleaner look and I don't have to worry about something on a woods trail snagging an injection line. It's fine to run it if you want but I would rather have less stuff to worry about.
Did you have a major get off?,fill the tank AFTER it went dry?,not bleed the system? Have an air leak,or improper jetting?
Lots of un-aswered questions.
It took two (2) piston to discover this???
IMPORTANT... How did you come to the conclusion that it was the pump that failed?
the tank never went dry. proper jets. well not really 2 pistons. more like 2 old pistons with new rings and hones.
I figured out that it was the oil pump because i turned the engine for a while with the output oil line off and into a bucket and no oil came out. started to premix and its been good ever since.
just for reference......
my brand new '96 blaster ran the injection for the 8+ very very hard years i owned it, lots of times with 2 people on it from noon till 3-4am.
i ran yamalube at first, then maxima super M injection for most of those years.
i kept it full of oil and meticulously clean around/when filling the tank.
i sold it with the stock piston and rings in it, still starting on 1-2 kicks, everytime, even in the dead of winter,
it had been upside down more times than i can count, and never once did i prime anything, i flipped it back over and continued on my ride. i also remember a quart of oil lasting way longer than it does mixing now, even on my stockish black bike.
and damn i miss getting straight gas from my buddies out on the trails, or pulling up to the pumps at the closest convenience store, instead of heading home like i have to now
I don't flip my bike,but what you say makes sense... If the tank had a decent amount of oil in it,I doubt a bubble in the line would actually happen.
Reading all this talk about this pump and nylon gear never failing and lasting 24 yrs and thousands of miles is just amazeing. I believe i will go outside and put mine back on.
Oh, and you can't forget that many scooter riders are not very mechanically-minded.
even if the people who have ran the pump and had a failure were at fualt, it still happend. how many people that premix have to worry about checking their oil tank, dropping mud or dirt in their oil tank, or priming and taking care of a oil pump and lines? 0
im not opposed to using the stock setup but when it comes down to it i dont need 20:1. do you know how expensive this oil is? i have been running klotz all my machines at 40:1 with exception to those running methanol.
just curioius, if this castor oil is clogging your spark arrestor, do you think it could at some point foul a plug or leave deposits all in your exhaust or even inside the engine?
do you know how expensive this oil is?
well let's see if we can put so much good information out there we bury the bad.
Now can i have an answer to my question about what to do after a roll over on the trail? and let's pretend we have a half full oil tank a screw driver and a pair of pliars(which is the minimum tools anyone should carry when riding)
Absolutely... But,put the pliers away,you won't need them. Here we go >>> Remove the the four screws that hold on the oil pump cover,remove the bleed screw,let any air bubbles excape the bleed hole until you get a solid flow of oil,re-install the bleed screw,re-install the pump cover,inspect yourself and your blaster for any damages,then... GO RIDE!
I almost forgot...Don't forget to put your screw driver back in the tool kit.
well okay as i see it. if you have air in the lines and a half tank of oil. and you have no spare oil and you are out in the trail for a pretty long ride with your buddy's and this happens and you fully bleed the system correct i takes oil from that half a tank of oil to bleed the system and you oil gets low your light comes on then end up having to be towed back to camp or where ever you where going? i would rather just premix and not have to worry about all that.
i have never messed with the auto lube system. always have premixed. but my buddy has the autolube and he wishes he would of premixed from the first time he rebuilt it. he just blew his up again and turned around to be the autolude system failure. as he tears into it more i will try to get some pics of what happend.After reading your comment,its safe to say that you have never bled an "Auto Lube" sytem on a blaster.
About the maximum you will have to bleed is a table spoon or two...maybe three. Its actually very little oil that needs to be bled. PLUS... That half tank of oil left is still good for about two tanks of fuel,or perhaps a little less depending if your riding on the needle,or riding on the jet,so you will run out of fuel LONG BEFORE you run out of the oil.
So....... Your buddy would be towing you back because you ran out of FUEL not oil. Then when you fill up your fuel,and then you would fill up the oil tank. Simple.![]()
You can always carry a small bottle of oil under the seat next to the tool kit if you feel the need.
Perhaps the reason why no one on this forum has any personal experience with how and how often the oil injector system fails is because we all took the "bad advice" and deleted them as soon as we got them.I:I