I will never part out my blasty pledge thread

I won't part out my Blaster. I will inevitably probably sell it within the year and be ATV-less until I get a new car and pay off student loans, but living in Columbus, that makes next to no difference. If I didn't have to pay back loans, I wouldn't sell it. With all the time, money, and effort invested into such a quad, I'd feel like I was murdering it parting it out and I doubt I'd make any more money out of it by parting it out anyways from what I have figured up.
There has been a lot of Part Outs lately , I mean a lot , and I understand that some guys needed the cash for other stuff like trucks or cars or whatever ..... BUT I'm starting the " I WILL NEVER PART MY BLASTY PLEDGE THREAD . I am the first to sign , feel free to fall in line and make that pledge as well. It is nice to score a deal on parts now and again , BUT chopping up family members is only a Manson Family trait , we are getting a lot of new members , and sadly we have lost some " not so sad for some " but all in all , lets keep our Family Ties strong . Line em up soldiers , stand tall .....

Well you are not parting it but you are selling it so your pledge is still partially there.lol Worst part is you are getting rid of it for a twin cylinder pig!!!lol
I'm in(1997).....Just bought last year for $500... Kid is 4, Nephew 9( teaching to ride it last year at 8), Niece at 7..... Too many kids around my bro's farm. Hell I'm 37 and just started ridin(quads) last year.....My Harley is an 88 =). Love it, just got some nerfs, yfz heels comin next week..... BAD A$$ trail bike...... and not bad in the open.

Just bought the wife a 2001 300ex, I'll part that 1st =).

Perfect for beginners and adults under 190-200(5-10 or under)
Well you are not parting it but you are selling it so your pledge is still partially there.lol Worst part is you are getting rid of it for a twin cylinder pig!!!lol

Well , The Blasty may be up for sale , but I sure have turned down every offer sent my way =) . The Blasty is only on craigslist to appease the wife . Its safe in my hands . I am working a side job to cover the cost of the bathroom/s remodel so in a few months that will be covered and the need for extra loot will be gone . I honestly want to give the Blaster to my Nephew so he can go ride with us , I don't want to see it leave the family , I spent too much time on it to watch it get loaded up and taken away .
yeah, i'd give it to my nephew if i was in your shoes. i have 2 nephews that don't care about quads. i'll just hold onto mine for a bit.
^^Agreed. At least if you keep it, you'll know it will be taken care of. Young 'uns can wreck or abuse a quad in a hurry.

NEVER gonna part-out my 2002 Blaster. Ever. I'll sell my truck, the wife's truck, my motorcycle, and all the lawn equipment I have, but the Blasty stays. Same with my tools. Good tools are not worth trading away or selling. Period.

I drove two hours to pick up my Blaster...got it for $ 1,000 cash almost brand-new. The previous owner had installed a Toomey pipe kit with jets and filter, and had even kept the owner's manual, safety brochure, reciepts from the dealer, and that little black plastic tire gauge they give you. I love the Blaster way to much to give it up, and I still use that tire gauge a couple times a week! lol.
i will never never never part out my blaster. i although i do want to sell my blaster and my truck and get a bagged truck. i will never part it out.
I've parted out a few, but have bought a few for parts so it makes sense. I will never sell or part my current bid. I'll be mad maxin it at 80 yrs old in the post apocalypse. Convert it to run off trash....lol