How to clean airfilter????

no, get some pj1 airfilter cleaner and spray it all over it. wait 15 minutes and then wash it off. after that oil it again. thats the best way to clean an airfilter, take your time.
no, get some pj1 airfilter cleaner and spray it all over it. wait 15 minutes and then wash it off. after that oil it again. thats the best way to clean an airfilter, take your time.

that is the best way yes but let it dry first

i use hot water and dawn dish soap, it works good, then i let it dry over night and oil it up good with belray super tacky water proof oil
This is off of my web site.

Without a doubt, the number one cause of engine failure is DIRT. When dirt enters your cylinder, it's mixed with two stroke oil and becomes a very destructive kind of lapping compound. Kind of like liquid sand paper. Dirt can take its toll on an engine quick. Dirt can find its way into your engine many ways. Some of the most common ones are :

1. Torn or disconnected air intake boot
2. Spark plug hole

3. Power valve covers

4. Crankshaft seal

5. Faulty air box

6. Dirty air filter

7. Blown exhaust pipe O rings

Of all these sources, the dirty air cleaner is the most common. Lets face it , we all hate to clean our air filters. Cleaning your filter after every ride is a must in a good maintenance program. Here are a few tips that may help.

Get a clean five gallon bucket and fill it with kerosene. Dunk your filter in and squeeze out the mung. Do this several times. Next ,rinse the filter out in hot soapy water. Your kitchen sink works best for this as long as your mom or wife isn't looking. Also get her blow dryer and run out to the garage before she gets wise to you. Use the dryer to evaporate the water in the filter. When the water is out, re-oil the filter and squeeze out the excess oil. Grease the sealing lip of the filter with a thin coat of waterproof grease. Bel-Ray works great. Clean the air box and re-install. I like to have three or four filters ready to go all the time. I store them in Zip-lock bags and keep them with my spare parts. As far as oil goes, DON'T ever use anything other than filter oil. I use Bel-Ray foam filter oil. I also like the Twin-Air brand filters. They are smaller than stock and allow more air to flow in the box. Filter oil is messy . Try some rubber gloves. It makes the job a little neater.
Gotta go with O'Conner on this one. The good, extra tacky oil (whatever the brand) just doesn't wash out well with soap (even Dawn). I have a coffee can of gasoline that I use, but kerosene is a much better idea, less chance of setting yourself on fire!

Don't forget to oil the INSIDE of the filter as well.
that is the best way yes but let it dry first

i use hot water and dawn dish soap, it works good, then i let it dry over night and oil it up good with belray super tacky water proof oil

why would you put oil on it?arnt you trying to get all the dirt and oil off it?
i mix water and varsol (paint thinner) in a bucket and mush the airfilter around till its completly oil and dirt free, then i let it dry, the i put some air filter oil on it and mush it around some more, then i put it back on.

and you put oil in so it catches the dirt and doesnt go through, also so water doesnt get through it. that why air filters are always sticky.
i mix water and varsol (paint thinner) in a bucket and mush the airfilter around till its completly oil and dirt free, then i let it dry, the i put some air filter oil on it and mush it around some more, then i put it back on.

and you put oil in so it catches the dirt and doesnt go through, also so water doesnt get through it. that why air filters are always sticky.

in a multilayer air filter this would be a no no. The paint thinner could cause the glue holding the filter together to break down, now you have no air filter.

The oil is to catch the dirt in the foam so it cant get into the engine. You clean the filter with hot soapy water (or your preferred cleaning method), then once its dry you apply the oil (like the others have said, make sure its air filter oil!)
i just use a k and n and spray the filter with the cleaner, wash it out with warm water, let it dry, then spray it lightly with oil and let it dry
and if its really dusty when you first take it out use an air chuck form the sair compressor and spray from the inside out and get the majority of the dust and crap off. then commece to cleaning.
I clean mine with an all purpose cleaner called Mean Green. Spray it on let it sit for 10 mins. and hose it off. Let it sit overnight and hit it with pj1.If im in a hurry I break out the air compressor. Mean Green cleans anything from moldy seats to muddy frames, and doent dry out seals.
What do you guys think of notoil stuff, oil and cleaner. I just started using it on my new uni. Or should I use something else like pj1 instead?
I clean mine with an all purpose cleaner called Mean Green. Spray it on let it sit for 10 mins. and hose it off. Let it sit overnight and hit it with pj1.If im in a hurry I break out the air compressor. Mean Green cleans anything from moldy seats to muddy frames, and doent dry out seals.

Mean Green is the sh*t! Mad by transmate. I used to detail cars at a chevy dealership and we used that sh*t for EVERYTHING. They bought it in 55 gallon drums there. I still have a 5 gallon drum left over from when I used to work there. HOW DID THAT GET IN MY GARAGE?
i always did the dawn dish soap method, let it COMPLETELY dry and then oil it with good air filter oil