higher supporting member fee

higher member fees or no

  • yes

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • no

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
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hey "darealblaster" I wear a xl shirt and would love to have it and my trophy but.... obviously since that $20 bucks is too much for ya I doubt u gonna be able to get that to me lol Just roll with the punches dude if u don't wanna pay it DONT but don't be bustin our balls cause we like to explore other ideas. Trust me dude lifes full of payin for stuff u don't think is "fair". I just paid a doc $6000 after my wifes surgery. He called it "conceltation"(sp) He looked at her said "looks good" and walked out that sucked but its life atleast here u get something for ya money.
hey "darealblaster" I wear a xl shirt and would love to have it and my trophy but.... obviously since that $20 bucks is too much for ya I doubt u gonna be able to get that to me lol Just roll with the punches dude if u don't wanna pay it DONT but don't be bustin our balls cause we like to explore other ideas. Trust me dude lifes full of payin for stuff u don't think is "fair". I just paid a doc $6000 after my wifes surgery. He called it "conceltation"(sp) He looked at her said "looks good" and walked out that sucked but its life atleast here u get something for ya money.

tru that....wait till you have to buy diapers and formula instead of blasty parts
i gotta 3 year old boy that refuses to potty train.. but he will pee outside on command... a 2 month old daughter than pees more than i do.... i know the feeling
It was 13 or 14 years ago...................but we used to tell the boy "no poo poo in your pants". He and I were in the yard. I turned around and he was gone. I went around the corner and he was standing tall and proud as could be. "No poo poo in pants da da."
And there it was.
A log right there in the driveway.
Remember, try to be as specific as possible. They really do listen. To his credit, it was indeed not in the pants. Job well done son.
When will the members be able to see the forum up and running correctly? I'd love to be a member, but I need to know if I can trust you guys with my money....I agree with knowpig and YB! +1 for both of you!

wow went from saying f*ck this and that to giving out rep? and dude ur just saying that cause thats another excuse u wanna make urself believe so u dont have to pay up.
this has nuthin to do with the bro's on here that have real bills or kids, but i'm willing to bet most of the ones cryin about having to pay $10 for supporting a good cause have the newest games out for they're x-box 360's and ps3's, its called priorities kiddies, time to aline them
I know it is not really my place to get involved at the moment but it affects us as well. How about a compromise! Give supporting members more power and extra benefits, if i were in the US i would surely support the forum. $10 a year is not really money like said before a few cents a month(one less big mac and milkshake a month).But we(rest of the world outside of the US would also not want to loose out on stuff we are used too. Suggestion Supporting members = BOTM; Marketplace: Blaster chat these are value added services(Money involved) not chat but that is negotible. NON Supporting members = the rest as is
Use it don't us it
hey "darealblaster" I wear a xl shirt and would love to have it and my trophy but.... obviously since that $20 bucks is too much for ya I doubt u gonna be able to get that to me lol Just roll with the punches dude if u don't wanna pay it DONT but don't be bustin our balls cause we like to explore other ideas. Trust me dude lifes full of payin for stuff u don't think is "fair". I just paid a doc $6000 after my wifes surgery. He called it "conceltation"(sp) He looked at her said "looks good" and walked out that sucked but its life atleast here u get something for ya money.

You all clearly just read 1 sentence of my whole post..its unbelievable. If you would have read it all you would clearly see that what im referring to is not the supporting member that are hading out ideas, but the oens that think they own this dam place and start sying things like "pay up buddy" "shouldn use our information"( News flash for you biotch, all the info here is made up of both non and supporting members ) and " i like how all the bitching comes form non-supporters''those are the ones that irritate me with all there supporter knowledge, not the ideas.
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close this thread!!! you guys are making asses out of yourselves, i belive everybody should support but if you cant/dont want to what the hell ever, just dont biotch when there are problems and dont expect my vote in botm. lol 86 this crap!!!!
Ok, I'll add my two cents. I've started and ran three forums phpBB and VB sites. I've been a moderator/admin at all three of those sites plus another. Yes, I am a supporting member here. I did vote no for several reasons. I understand and know that it doesn't take alot of money per month to run a smaller forum like this. Shouldn't be more than 15 bucks a month. At that rate you need around 15-20 people a year supporting this site at $10 per member. I believe there are more than that supporting, but I could be wrong. At $20 it seems a bit much for what you get.

A way to curb hosting costs is to get a sponser or advertiser. Maybe Rocky mountain would give $50 a year to have a banner up who knows?

At most I would pay $15 dollars. Screw the different levels. At that rate you are getting into too many forum permissions to deal with. There should be three levels.

Guest Account - Obviously no pms, no access to mechanical, marketplace, etc.
Normal User Account - 50 pms max, access to General forums, and General Support forum, no searching
Supporting Account $15 - 500 pms max, access to all forums including marketplace, closing their own threads, chat, picture hosting, searching, maybe a sticker.

An easy way to get around the paypal account is to accept prepaid visa cards. A 15 year old can get a prepaid visa card at the gas station or wal mart. Mail the card to you. You can check the balance on the card and if it's right then you can make them a supporting member. Would cost the kid $15.44 for the card and stamp.

If people are going to be paying more, I expect a better product. I expect for sale threads that aren't in the marketplace to be deleted, closed, moved, etc., not sit there for a week before anything is done with it. Then the non supporting member that created the thread be banned after a 1st warning. I expect the mods to index the tables once in awhile to speed things up and not give me database errors every once in awhile. I would be willing to offer up my services if you would want help moderating this site.

I'm sure I missed a few things I wanted to mention, but I think I hit most of my points. Non-supporters need to understand it does cost some money to run this, although not alot, but it is required with hosting and domain name fees. So quit bitching and go with the visa prepaid credit card or get your parents/siblings with a paypal account to help out.
Ok, I'll add my two cents. I've started and ran three forums phpBB and VB sites. I've been a moderator/admin at all three of those sites plus another. Yes, I am a supporting member here. I did vote no for several reasons. I understand and know that it doesn't take alot of money per month to run a smaller forum like this. Shouldn't be more than 15 bucks a month. At that rate you need around 15-20 people a year supporting this site at $10 per member. I believe there are more than that supporting, but I could be wrong. At $20 it seems a bit much for what you get.

A way to curb hosting costs is to get a sponser or advertiser. Maybe Rocky mountain would give $50 a year to have a banner up who knows?

At most I would pay $15 dollars. Screw the different levels. At that rate you are getting into too many forum permissions to deal with. There should be three levels.

Guest Account - Obviously no pms, no access to mechanical, marketplace, etc.
Normal User Account - 50 pms max, access to General forums, and General Support forum, no searching
Supporting Account $15 - 500 pms max, access to all forums including marketplace, closing their own threads, chat, picture hosting, searching, maybe a sticker.

An easy way to get around the paypal account is to accept prepaid visa cards. A 15 year old can get a prepaid visa card at the gas station or wal mart. Mail the card to you. You can check the balance on the card and if it's right then you can make them a supporting member. Would cost the kid $15.44 for the card and stamp.

If people are going to be paying more, I expect a better product. I expect for sale threads that aren't in the marketplace to be deleted, closed, moved, etc., not sit there for a week before anything is done with it. Then the non supporting member that created the thread be banned after a 1st warning. I expect the mods to index the tables once in awhile to speed things up and not give me database errors every once in awhile. I would be willing to offer up my services if you would want help moderating this site.

I'm sure I missed a few things I wanted to mention, but I think I hit most of my points. Non-supporters need to understand it does cost some money to run this, although not alot, but it is required with hosting and domain name fees. So quit bitching and go with the visa prepaid credit card or get your parents/siblings with a paypal account to help out.

damn dude, well put. gotta toss ya some rep for that.
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