nathanastone Jan 31, 2010 I work for a company called Morris painting out of youngstown, OH. Work mostly in Michigan. We mainly subcontract for ITC (International Transmission Company)
I work for a company called Morris painting out of youngstown, OH. Work mostly in Michigan. We mainly subcontract for ITC (International Transmission Company)
nathanastone Jan 31, 2010 Nice to see another tower climber on here. I don't do line work but repair/replace steel, sandblast and paint. It's a fun, adrenaline filled job.
Nice to see another tower climber on here. I don't do line work but repair/replace steel, sandblast and paint. It's a fun, adrenaline filled job.
bag0b0nez Jan 21, 2010 hey dude i just wanted to know if u have sum pics or a vid of u up on a pole? pretty cool job dude.