Anyone used r/c model fuel to mix w/ pump gas


Aug 20, 2015
Rossville, Ga
Model airplanes, cars and helicopters that run two stroke engines typically run a mix of methanol, nitro (15-30%), and caster oil (10-20%). This fuel runs around $18 a gallon and can be bought at any hobby shop.

I don't know the ratio of this fuel you would want to use to mix with. It does have its own castor oil so I would want to add it to ready to use premix, that way I don't end up with double oil for how much ever r/c fuel I put in.

This interests me bacuase, methanol has a cooling effect, and nitro certainly would add a kick, even without increased compression. That and it's readily available (I got half of a quart left in the garage).

Does anyone have a calculator for this or know how to calculate final octane and relative AFR, when mixing these fuels
The fuel I have is
20% Nitro
12% castor oil
That leaves 68% for the methanol.
I am going to double check the content of this fuel
It might be just the thing to add to mix gas, a little for a hot pump gas build, quite a bit more for higher compression 100 octane engines.

I would appreciate any help or information needed to get this together.
My hope is that the right methanol/nitro mix will be close to pump gas as far as AFR and jetting goes. It would be freaking awesome to be able to run a little , a lot or none of the meth/nitro mix without rejetting.

Compared to 93 octane gas I know it takes quite a bit more methanol to feed the same amount of air , not sure about the Nitro.
The next best thing would be figuring out how much methanol/nitro you could add to a tank 2.5 gal of fuel without having to rejet, might be able to run a half of a cup, or 1/4 of a cup on a bike that's slightly rich. Sure it will lean it out a little but at some point the cooling effect of the methanol should be enough to allow it to run lean and mean.

Any input will be appreciated, I am going to look for answers as well.
I am going to try to find out what AFR is in that range we like to run (one click over max power), and what afr is considered safely lean ( a click or 2 below peak power). Then I need to know the same numbers for methanol. That should be enough to get pretty close to the right amount of the M/N mix, to make more power, while running at the same or lower temps. I don't have a egt guage or anything else, so I guess I could just start small and add the good stuff a little at a time till a plug chop started showing a little lean then use a couple ounces less per tank next time. In the mean time topping the tank off with regular mix gas should make things good for the test tank.

On second thought with the add a little at a time method you really wouldn't need to know the numbers only how much gas and how much M/N worked.
This interests me bacuase nitro certainly would add a kick

/\ civic, is that you ? LOL

a former member here tried to build a drag bike running on rc nitro, it was the biggest build fail in BF history !
somewhere there is youtube vids of it getting smoked by an lt250 4 stroke :eek:
a couple alky blasters from here have run sub 4.8* second runs, this nitro mongrel ran high 7's IIRC
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That sucks you would think methanol (methyl alcohol) boosted with nitro methane would do the trick, it should at least be faster than pump gas, of course you would have to time and jet the motor to suit at a minimum. I am guessing he tried to take a basically stock motor and jet it for r/c fuel?

You would have take a motor built for alcohol then add a bit of nitro methane (not nitrous oxide) it should be meaner.
You have alcohol funny cars running methanol same as super late model dirt track cars. Then you have top fuel cars running on nitromethane. It's easy to see the difference. Done properly the same two engines one setup for alcohol (typically methanol) the other alcohol boosted with Nitromethane. The Nitro motor should be faster.

But if you take a stock blaster on 93 pump gas and another running 100 octane gas both jetted properly, they are going to run about the same, the 100 octane may even be slower unless the timing is bumped up as well then it might gain a couple percent.
Now if each motor were fully optimized for the particular fuel, compression timing the whole nine yards the 100 octane ride will be noticable more powerful.

Nitromethane is CH3 NO2 which has 3 hydrogen molecules (highly flamable even explosive ) and 2 Oxygen molecules (we know what this is for) one of which will strip Oxygen molecules from other chemicals Making O2 and freeing up more oxygen for burning, like adding more air for free.

Awk08 I get that you know enough about this sort of thing to realize that the above is loosely accurate at best. Not everyone has been exposed to this sort of thing, please correct me or add as you see fit.

Now back to adding a bit of this alky/ nitro alky mix to regular fuel, my hopes is the cooling effect of the methanol, combined with the extra oxygen from the nitro would boost power. But between the cooler charge, double the fuel /air requirement of methanol, plus the extra oxygen from the NM, it looks like things are going to lean out quite quickly.

I smell an experiment.........
Throw in the biggest jet I got and a cup of the M/NM in the tank, then add either more crack fuel or make the jet bigger until it evens out . And is at least not to lean.
Anyone wanna guinea pig this one.? I got a spare jet and a few mini drill bits for sizing.
I am guessing he tried to take a basically stock motor and jet it for r/c fuel?

nope, it was "purpose built" and he was dead serious about the whole mess
he ported the cajones out of it, drilled, hacked, welded an extra plug into the head to provide extra fire to ignite the nitro, ect, ect. (btw, one plug would burn the tip off on every run ? )

the rest of that you wrote sounds just like him :rolleyes:

Awk08 I get that you know enough about this sort of thing to realize that the above is loosely accurate at best. Not everyone has been exposed to this sort of thing, please correct me or add as you see fit.

I only know what the resident redneck genius proved, that he + nitro in a blaster = horse poo
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I am not ready to chance burning down my piston just yet.
But that's crazy, somethinks was definitely off, surely he had to know it was slower than smoke off a fresh dog turd, before he lined it up. SMOKED BY A LT250 4 STROKE......:confused::eek:
I am pretty sure my stocker would eat a lt250 for supper.