take one weekend off from riding and send in the gas money you would have spent, and by the way-wheres that gas coming from since your broke????< for those saying they have no job or too young for a job, who's payin for all that gas and oil????? get them to spring the $10, or like you've threatened, go to the other sites and see what ya get there, not half of the strictly blaster info you get here and a bunch of smart asses with no love.
and sorry bout whats about to be said below, if ya dont like it, go to e2s
/\/\/\/\/\/\but you had the money to get porting and other bike parts,and you said you have bought and SOLD stuff on here, that means you made money from the sell on here, which is against the rules, shoulda gave up $10 of the profits, and if it wasnt for this forum you would still have a broke down blaster
shut down the diy, and any other info threads to non supporters and stop givin out free info to freeloaders,
in other words i have to pay to help out nonsupporters???,
they can have the chat
and for those without paypal, i'm sure freek or one of the other mods or supporting members would gladly accept a money order and pay the dues for you?????
bottom line is, if ya have a bike,quad,blaster or whatever, ya gotta be gettin money somewhere for gas and parts or ya wouldnt be riding it, so the "im broke, no job, to young sh*t" is just a bullshit excuse, and aint floatin with me
end of rant
and sorry bout whats about to be said below, if ya dont like it, go to e2s
yb i dont agree with you on no support no chat.
I dont have the money to support. im only 15 and dont get an allowance plus my dad is not gonna shell out the money. i have no way to support to the forum
thats a redicoulous idea
/\/\/\/\/\/\but you had the money to get porting and other bike parts,and you said you have bought and SOLD stuff on here, that means you made money from the sell on here, which is against the rules, shoulda gave up $10 of the profits, and if it wasnt for this forum you would still have a broke down blaster
/\/\/\/\/\ who says that, you've got good repsi was gonna support but im not wanted here...............
shut down the diy, and any other info threads to non supporters and stop givin out free info to freeloaders,
in other words i have to pay to help out nonsupporters???,
they can have the chat
and for those without paypal, i'm sure freek or one of the other mods or supporting members would gladly accept a money order and pay the dues for you?????
bottom line is, if ya have a bike,quad,blaster or whatever, ya gotta be gettin money somewhere for gas and parts or ya wouldnt be riding it, so the "im broke, no job, to young sh*t" is just a bullshit excuse, and aint floatin with me
end of rant