higher supporting member fee

higher member fees or no

  • yes

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • no

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
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take one weekend off from riding and send in the gas money you would have spent, and by the way-wheres that gas coming from since your broke????< for those saying they have no job or too young for a job, who's payin for all that gas and oil????? get them to spring the $10, or like you've threatened, go to the other sites and see what ya get there, not half of the strictly blaster info you get here and a bunch of smart asses with no love.
and sorry bout whats about to be said below, if ya dont like it, go to e2s

yb i dont agree with you on no support no chat.
I dont have the money to support. im only 15 and dont get an allowance plus my dad is not gonna shell out the money. i have no way to support to the forum
thats a redicoulous idea

/\/\/\/\/\/\but you had the money to get porting and other bike parts,and you said you have bought and SOLD stuff on here, that means you made money from the sell on here, which is against the rules, shoulda gave up $10 of the profits, and if it wasnt for this forum you would still have a broke down blaster

i was gonna support but im not wanted here...............
/\/\/\/\/\ who says that, you've got good reps

shut down the diy, and any other info threads to non supporters and stop givin out free info to freeloaders,
in other words i have to pay to help out nonsupporters???,
they can have the chat
and for those without paypal, i'm sure freek or one of the other mods or supporting members would gladly accept a money order and pay the dues for you?????

bottom line is, if ya have a bike,quad,blaster or whatever, ya gotta be gettin money somewhere for gas and parts or ya wouldnt be riding it, so the "im broke, no job, to young sh*t" is just a bullshit excuse, and aint floatin with me

end of rant
there not "bitching" there giving there opinion.......im a supporter and i voted and "bitched" against it......i dont even have a blaster and i still support

im not bitching either but this forum is great, i cant leave it has to much good info. but my dad pays for the gas and oil. i mow lawns but in the winter time theres no grass. but im getting report card money hopefully so i should have the money.
awk my blaster is still broke down. the electrical system has problems. and the only thing i have sold on here was a motor the money from that went toward a motor from a member on here i did not make a profit off that and there is nothing in the rules agaisnt that. i am not making bullshit excuses. so before you post something like that think about my situation first. why should this forum be so different from other forums just becuase you chose to pay the money to support it. i will be supporting once i have the money. so shut the hell up and think for once
awk my blaster is still broke down. the electrical system has problems. and the only thing i have sold on here was a motor the money from that went toward a motor from a member on here i did not make a profit off that and there is nothing in the rules agaisnt that. i am not making bullshit excuses. so before you post something like that think about my situation first. why should this forum be so different from other forums just becuase you chose to pay the money to support it. i will be supporting once i have the money. so shut the hell up and think for once

you didnt just say that to my brotha did you :o
i was thinkin for once, if it wasnt for this site and our help your sh*t would be broke down forever, pay up!!!!!!!
better yet, since i offended you by calling you out, send me your paypal info, i got some extra loot in there, i'll send ya the measly $10 so you can pay the dues, you're a pretty good dude <<< hows that for thinkin with my dipstick, jimmy????
i was thinkin for once, if it wasnt for this site and our help your sh*t would be broke down forever, pay up!!!!!!!

nothing i have learned from this site has helped me to fix it. but i will say that i have learned a lot from the site but once again nothing that has helped me to fix it. when i have the money and can send it i will but until then chill the forum is not gonna change it will stay the same except for maybe a few more perks for supporting members. some people have helped me out when i have asked such as yb when he posted a ebay link to a throttle cable for my carb.
also a big point that i am trying to get through on every forum that i have ever been on the chatbox is a free thing along with the whole forum why should this site be any different
i feel insulted this calls for an infraction freek

haahah man i bet LOTS of people have been insulted about things u have said on here........not me personally , i dont get insulted over the internet.......just in person, well then u need to count your teeth........haah jk.....i hate people who think there suck badasses and say they will punch anyone who disrespects them......lol anyway................
I don't think I'm a badass I know I am!! lol j/j I think everybody needs to chill hell if u got the money send it if not atleast give reps to folks that help ya do what u can u know what i'm sayin!
take one weekend off from riding and send in the gas money you would have spent, and by the way-wheres that gas coming from since your broke????< for those saying they have no job or too young for a job, who's payin for all that gas and oil????? get them to spring the $10, or like you've threatened, go to the other sites and see what ya get there, not half of the strictly blaster info you get here and a bunch of smart asses with no love.
and sorry bout whats about to be said below, if ya dont like it, go to e2s

I was thinking the same thing Awk give up a weekend of riding to cover a supporting membership. I know it cost me 8.00 a pint for 2cycle and 10.00 to 15.00 dollars for gas....

Also I am a supporting member on E2S and if it wasnt for that forum I would not of found this one. IMO E2S is a great all around 2stroke site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So I see reason for you to have added that to the end of your piece...........
I don't think I'm a badass I know I am!! lol j/j I think everybody needs to chill hell if u got the money send it if not atleast give reps to folks that help ya do what u can u know what i'm sayin!

The man makes a great point here guys/gals.

No reason to be getting your keyboard muscles here............
Any way to make different levels of supporting memberships? Just an idea. I'm down for whatever, as long as it makes the forum run smoother

I vote hell yes!!!With all the info I get on here it's like a tech school.This forum has made me love my Blaster even more and saved me alot of money by knowing what not to do and what to do.When i got my Blaster I didn't know all the cool hop up's I could do to make it so much better.I like most of the people on here.I would be willing to pay $25-$30 a year for a high member level.Sad to say.You are the people I have to talk with about Blasters.There is no Blaster groups around my way that I know of.I:I
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