Sounds like few peeps settin up a private chat club. This forum has survived because it welcomes people as fellow Blaster enthusiasts and has a ton of Blaster info. Welcomes, advice & information provided by all members, not just supporting. Blasters are a stepping stone quad for most young people. They come here, get some answers, have sum fun & move on to that Banshee or whatever. Just the way things progress. There is no way I could afford to pay $10 to all the sites I enjoy and learn from. There's just too many. Instead of figuring out ways to make'm pay or else, ya need to make'm want to come to participate and come back just cuz they liked it here. More hits = more value to sponsors. If it makes ya feel bigger or better by all means pay more. Nothing says you are only allowed to pay $10. After you get the donation raised the first thing that will happen is a few peeps will again demand more of this or more of that cuz heck, we're givin more money we should have it our way. Ya don't get to be the editor of a magazine just cuz ya have a subscription. My point is it appears to me that a few members are tryin to control the direction of someone's sight that has preformed very well for quite a few years. If it's slow or glitchin give him sum time to fix it. If he has to have more money to maintain the site then he can ask. I say make positive suggestions and trust the owner to do the right thing for the members and himself. He's done a good job so far or y'all wouldn't be here.
BTW: In BTOM I enjoy the pic's, read the stats & think about what the owner has done to make it special. I don't give a crap about friends, post count, rep or supporting member status. Screw the politics, everyone that participates is supporting the site.
Just another opinion!