Hey, before you hog out your intake, you might want to have a look at this opposing view.
Filling in the intake improved the power EVERYWHERE.
The port windows were opened up about 1mm but most of the port was filled in with about 2.5 oz of JBweld and epoxy putty.
This did not constrict the port, but made the port as much as 6mm (1/4") deeper and closer to the reeds.
1/8" aluminum plates were epoxied on both sides of the reed cage too, to take up volume and raise crankcase compression.
Think about this, your carb is only 26mm or about 531mmsq.
Your boost port is 20x8 and your intake ports are 19x20 so even allowing for corner radii your port area is already over 800mmsq.
Why would you want to make your ports 50% larger than your carb can flow?
Your airflow velocity drops off and your fuel drops out of suspension, dribbles to the bottom of the case.
So, your air/fuel mixture goes from a 26mm diameter tube to a huge box. What happens?
Speed drops to nothing, fuel drops out of the air because the air flow is the only thing holding it there.
So you have this big volume of air at very little velocity, what is going to get it past the piston window in the brief time it is open?
Pressure? You OPENED UP THE REED BOX! You have LESS pressure and little velocity available!
By reducing the intake ports to the same area as the port windows and lengthening them and stuffing the reed box
you have kept the velocity up, increased the momentum effect and increased crankcase pressure.
When that piston window opens up you have a battering ram of momentum to ram the mixture through.
Compare the port windows carefully. You can see the bottom ports are about 1mm larger than the stockers above.
But look at the length and straightness of the ports in the bottom.
Not a bit of aluminum was cut off except to open up the windows.
JBweld and epoxy putty was added to straighten and deepen the ports.
How does it work?
No other mod, just filling in the intake tract, made it idle smoother, powerband kicked in lower and yet it now revs higher.
Noticeable seat of the pants improvement everywhere in the powerband.
Now, the next thing will be cutting your chamber and setting up your squish...