I went to an Auto parts store today to get some Mothers Polish. I was standing there debating on whether or not to buy a Mothers Foam polishing ball. Finally I said 'Buy it you cheap $%#*" They guy scanned the ball, the polish, and 1 bottle of Dry Gas for my truck, and says $13.72. I told him I think it should be more, He told me happy new year. I took my change, and went home to polish!!
This ball works great! I did the wheels, bumper, grab bar, and clutch cover with it. Once spring time comes and the road salt disappears, The Tacoma and Corolla wheels are getting done with it.

After seeing the Blastersaurus Clutch cover, I realize my polishing skills need "polished" as well.
This ball works great! I did the wheels, bumper, grab bar, and clutch cover with it. Once spring time comes and the road salt disappears, The Tacoma and Corolla wheels are getting done with it.