first off, it was my kid, he'd show up at school the next day with a flag twice as big and wearing a shirt and hat with american flags on them.
now, my kid was harrased by the "im fat cuz my daddy touched me" principal at his school for wearing a t shirt with an american flag on it.
i got called in. bad move fat boy!
i served in the USMC and made rank of gunnery sgt.
my dad was a sgt maj in the USMC
mom a first lt. in the USMC
my daughter, currently serving in the USMC, she's a captain, (i hate saluting her)
my 3 nephews are currently serving in the USMC and actively fighting in afghanistan.
5 uncles and 1 aunt, all USMC, KIA in either vietnam or korea
im not a real good person to have a discussion with over weather my kid wears a tshirt
with an american flag on it.
fat boy told me it was a political statement.
i told him, lets walk around the school, take down every flag, including the one in front of the building, then, we would go to the municpal and police bldgs next door and do the same.
then i would call the local newpaper, and have them come down to do a story, on how he thought these were all political statements and should be removed.
after him thinking he was gonna outsmart me, (fat boy not knowing i have a degree in psychology) he caved in.
that night, i went out and bought 25 t shirts with flags on them, and had brian take them to school and give to all his clasmates.
fat boy now sees things my way.
f**ck all these pussies
after him thinking he was gonna outsmart me, (fat boy not knowing i have a degree in psychology) he caved in.
that night, i went out and bought 25 t shirts with flags on them, and had brian take them to school and give to all his clasmates.
fat boy now sees things my way.
f**ck all these pussies
Why do I see a Patriotic build in the near future?
/\/\/\ SWEET and thankyou acidrayn, and your whole family, for fighting and dying for our freedom, and anyone else on here who has served our contry and flag !!!!!!!!!!!!
lovin the "fatboy" references, i refer my boss/partner as "fat bastard" all the time
i have had this grafix kit saved in my favorites for sometime now, and am prolly doin a teardown again this winter
captain america blaster round 2!!! lolol I:I
i had one other run in with fat boy.
he wanted to suspend my kid, cuz some ra tard, and this other kid is whacked,
said, he said, brian had a knife in school.
the teacher never seen it
the fat ass pricipal never seen it
the cop who came to the school and illeagally searched my kid never seen it
but fat boy wanted to suspend him, cuz the other kid "said" he had one.
he did not. fat boy still wanted to suspend him, he was out for a day,
when my 3 attornys showed at the school wanting a deposition from him,
he caved in and started eating chips and snickers bars!
guy is f**cked up, if you can imagine a guy who had a totaly isolated life, with
a totaly over bearing mother, that is the pricipal.
brian went back with a personal apology from fat boy in front of his whole class.
that is why i think he was singled about the t shirt. he is out of that school now,
but my younger boy is there. he has a back pack with a giant flag on it
and is the only kid that wore a call of duty t shirt to school.
i told him he cant, cuz thats just being a punk, go with whats right.
i got 2 more years to deal with the fat man, then were done
i hate this whole pussification of america. i d rather my kids brawl over whos right
in stead of callin lawyers, but i gotta play the game, as much as it burns my azz