who steals from a pregnant woman???


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
serously who does this?? my wifes cheap ass wallmart mountain bike got stolen right out of our back yard tonight, they didnt touch the dk fury cruiser worth a grand or the dk freestyle bike worth the same or the yamaha pw50 mini dirt bike. right out of my back yard under 4 yes FOUR flood lights, well we were home AND still up,

conveniantly the ' brothas' sittin on the front porch ( we live in a side by side duplex) didnt see anything.. and the only way out of the back yard is threw MY DRIVEWAY.......

to put it lightly.. the cops cant do anyhting unless the bike shows up.. and even lighter is.. whom ever took it best pray no one we know or my self see this bike again.
thats the thing. there is only one way in and out of my back yard and thats threw my driveway ( security fence all around the back yard) and the bikes were not seen from the road.........

sad part is now she cant go on bike rides with me and our 2.5 year old son, since we dont have the money to get her a new bike for a while...
no man this could work....Lets see how tight everyone is up in here....in serious...thats why this WORLD is so f*cked up...aint no one got your back....theyed rather talk or stab there...lol Im not feeling sorry for you .......but sh*t happens.....your baby needs this its healthy..in on a budget also got 4 kids ..but I got you on this...lol..let it roll I say bro....
no man this could work....Lets see how tight everyone is up in here....in serious...thats why this WORLD is so f*cked up...aint no one got your back....theyed rather talk or stab there...lol Im not feeling sorry for you .......but sh*t happens.....your baby needs this its healthy..in on a budget also got 4 kids ..but I got you on this...lol..let it roll I say bro....

i know this world is fkd up, id give the shirt off my back for any of my friends, and even someone i dont know, ' respect' is disapering in this world..

we have a good idea of 'people' in question BUT we cant do anyhtiong about it

( we have had other problems with the ppl that hang out with the girl next door to us)
Thats messed up man I feel bad for your wife your family and your whole neighborhood. I am fortunate enough to live in a very safe neighborhood. I've left my keys in the ignition of my vehicles for years. The worst that would ever happen is I would find a note on my kitchen table from one of my friends or neighbors "hey I couldn't get ahold of you had to borrow your truck". Thats something I'm really gona miss when I have to move. Its really a shame its not like this everywhere. Its kinda nice knowing that theres no need to lock your doors. Well I wish you luck and hope you find it.
what a fk head.... Sorry this sh*t happend to you. yesterday our mailbox box was vandalized, they broke the lock right off.. People suck.

lol my dad made are mailbox ouy of 1/2 inch steel,you can put a half stick in it and it won't do a thing to it...but anyways..srry to hear that man...
if im picturing your backyard right, buddy runnin from the 5 0 jumped your security fence at the back and was headed for your driveway, saw a bike he could acualy ride and grabbed it.

srsly though id be cheesed. why dont you keep your bikes inside or locked up? my 06 specialized p2 is NEVER left alone or somewhere it can get jacked. same with my dads 3k bike.
man i feel ya on this. when i was married i lived in a neighborhood like 10 min from crack town. we had crack heads roamin the street alot. well i always kept my sh*t locked down tight in my shop needless to say we had a crackhead decide to squeeze himself through the small ass window on the shop one night. well he took nothing but my old redline that i had built from the ground up to fit me and it had over 2G's in it. hell thats all the ahole took. well one week after that i had a friend over that used to be a pill popper and the crackhead passes by on my bike. i said f*ck there goes my redline and ask him who the guy was on it well he knew him so we get in the car take off after him finally catch up and needless to say that crackhead carried an assbeating he will never forget no matter how many times he hits a crackpipe.
i feel for u man i have had two bikes stolen from me the first time i was like 10 livin back in youngstown my garage was open in the middle of the day a couple of fags just walk right in and take it they also took my friends shwinn chopper a couple days earlier stupid cops didnt do sh*t and took hours to get to my house. and the second time my bike got stolen i left it outside of my highschool and some little kid just took it i got that bike back though i wanted to beat the little kid so bad but i dont fight unless i really think i have 2