Like the title says, whats the fastest thing you have beaten on your Blaster?
i just read through some of the pages on here. wow there is a lot of funny post. also a lot of bullshit post.
i have ridden a riding buddies blaster, just the bolt ones, pipe filter reeds and jet change. it was ok, but still super slow. it was hard to keep up with a good rider on a 400ex or z400. would beat other blasters and warriors.
I have won against many 400ex's and artic cat 500 and even a couple warriors and a yz 125![]()
ya the pipe blaster wasn't far behind my 400ex, but it wouldn't ever beat it.
i am sure with some porting it would be even or in front.
but i love how that retard says his blaster will beat a 426F, a dirt bike, on a MX track.
A stock 400ex has about 26-28 hp, A stock blaster has about 17hp and with a good pipe and silencer jetted right you can get about 21hp. You can also get a +5 hp piston kit from vitos, and maybe you will be at 26hp??? Now get V3 and open up your air box and jett it right and you might be 26-28hp???? I GUESS?????
my old 400ex had a pipe and filter, but it had great suspension, so i was able to take the holeshot. that is the reason i could keep up and beat people. good suspension will make the difference. if you cant control your quad, you wont be able to win.
I think ur full of it. my 450 destroys my 660... LTRs with little cash can do over 50whp and if you're into big bore or porting or both, you'll easily get higher. and with a proper build you can get 60+ out of them. I've seen a guy dragging with a 20 shot on a modded LTR and it was insane. absolutely destroyed a few modded shee's a raptor 700 and a few other 450s. it was like draggin a modded blaster against a trx90 pretty much lol. I'd like to see vids of you beating some slightly modded 450s with riders who know how to ride not rookies. I suppose your blaster can be up over 50whp I don't know, I just haven't seen too many blasters let alone a really modded one that was properly built with a rider who knows how to ride so I suppose it's possible. just not sounding too likely lol. stock 450s aren't all that fast either unless your talking about cutting up some KTM sx's in which case I don't believe it under any circumstances in a drag race I just don't see it. modded it wouldn't be a race at all imo
I've beaten my meat on my blaster... Oh that's not what were talkin about, Well i have nothing then!
My best frend in high school got a 300ex about 1 year after i got my blaster in 1994, and stock to stock the suspension and brakes on the 300ex was way better then the blasters. About 1 year after that my outher bud got a used 250r and wow it was fast and all stock. The blaster and 300ex where piped and jetted with open air boxes. And wide open on the roads the 250r walked right past us, but on the tight trails the 250r disappointed me, and i thought the 300ex was better on the tight trails. So i can imagine how much better the suspension and faster the 400ex is then the 300ex..and blaster...
Stock blaster hp 17.2 Piped 20.3 Ct 240 hp 40 hehehehe Ct 240 with a 4mm stroker and ported 45hp???
Stock 300ex hp 16.5 piped 17.7
Stock 250r hp 33-36
Stock 400ex hp 26.9 Piped 28
Stock 350x hp 21
Stock kfx/z-400 hp 32 Piped 35.3
Stock DS 650 hp 43
Stock banshee hp 40 Piped 46.9 Awesome
Stock 660 raptor hp 38
Stock yfz 450 hp 40.6 piped 47.1 Awesome
stock 350 wolverine hp 17.5 piped 18.2
stock warrior hp ??? A little more then a 350 wolverine????LOL
My blaster with a yz250 in it stock hp 45-50 super awesome