You realy think that shock is gonna work? Stock is like 14 eye to eye. You may have to take the spring out and take a coil or so off to shorten it up
Chill out dude. Im getting a +2 swinger from tater. It'll work just fine.
You realy think that shock is gonna work? Stock is like 14 eye to eye. You may have to take the spring out and take a coil or so off to shorten it up
Paint stripper sucked ass. 2 cans of it and the frame looks like sh*t. I guess I'll have to pay to get it blasted before powdercoating. Problem is the shops nearby are charging 500-600 to dip it in a chemical bath and sand blast it, followed by powdercoating. We'll see what happens next.
Next on the list, paint the cylinder and head gloss black, then torque the head on and then some Boyesen Reeds.
so where are you at witht he motor? are you getting it bored? I would suggest you do. you were overheating and causing 4point seisure on that piston. if there are no deep scores order a 66.25 piston and when you get it have it bored to that piston. make sure they champfer the ports. new gaskets and that will fix your top end. you really want to add more power to that thing with a new head but you are gonna run on a used bore. why not know it's perfect.