Triple_B's Rebuild

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MOAR sh*t!

Just waiting on the carb now
Actually got some work done today. Decided sanding by hand was not going to work, so I whipped out the palm sander. Went to Home Depot and got some 150 grit sanding discs. Worked out really good. Then I slapped my arms and shocks on, then put my steering stem on with the tie rods. Put my handlebars on, and put my new front braided lines on. They are really long, and I need to find a way to get them to not bunch-up. If i get extended a-arms, the lines will work good. I did hours and hours of sanding. Got most of the frame done, but the little corners and sh*t are too hard to get the sander into so I need to do some hand sanding. That'll be another day.

Pics of the sanding, Almost ready for paint!!!






The brake line pics:

Here you can see I cut the 2 little tabs that stuck out of the top of the front line mount.



My progress pic
I would think about putting a coil in those lines, and running them on the other side of the shock. also put something to attach them to the a arms too
Screwed around today. I'm saving up some more cash for auto paint and I need to get little sh*t like stator cover bolts and an oil drain plug. Just slapped the engine in and mounted my LTR rear shock.

Also put the plastics on and seat, and I sat on it for about an hour while I pretended to ride it, steering with the handlebars. can't wait to finish her!!!


Ordered a sandblaster kit from amazon. Bunch of the guys over at E2S recommend it, so I bought it. Going to use it on the tight corners and sh*t on my frame, and other little parts. Also removed the gear inside of my Oil Injector and sealed it all shut with silicone, just have to put it back on. Got a 4 day weekend (Friday - Monday) this weekend and I'm going to do a lot of stuff on the blasty. Might make a trip to an autobody shop for some paint, hardener, and primer too. Also need to get some gussets fabbed up.
make sure that you don't use that sand blaster inside or anywhere around the motor. that sand will get EVERYWHERE
Go to local hardware store and get the stainless screws, take a better beating than the butter head ones! I want to say the threads are 5mm i have it written down at home!
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