I'll add my input here, since both parties have involved me.
First of all Ionly asked if you could fill me in on where I had went against the rules since Ken said he was reporting my posts gave a quick rundown and asked you to remain neutral as far as the motor stuff went, never did we have a discussion about the work done. But you were kind enough to inform me that Ken is a staff member here at blaster forum, and that should not expect sort of privacy in any of my conversations here .
no, no and no again.
Yes I absolutely did tell Ken that initial ring gap was large at least .020 that I could be certain of
where have you up until right now, ever mentioned ring end gap was large ?
it's not in your build thread.
it's not in any of the conversations between you and I and ken.
never was this mentioned, sure looks like you're making sh-it up as you go.
you didn't ask for a 19cc head, the build sheet you filled out in your own handwrting says ...........
"18.5 cc ? (hemi or torroidial) or for pump gas"
View attachment 25771
in another message I've seen you said "he gave me an almost stock head"
do you even know the cc of a stock head ?
I was under the impression that stock was 23cc could be wrong tho
you had no clue what you wanted or what works on these blasters.
he gave you what works and is what 90%+ of us run very successfully.
even if you can get 100 octane from a pump, it is not considered "pump gas", as was hand written on your build sheet.
Like I said before if the two conflicted you go with what is a known standard not a slang term, no excuses here he sent me something completely different than what I asked for. He could have shot me a message to see what I wanted, i t is not up to him to decide wheer I know what I want or not and just arbitrarily send me what he thinks I should have. Give a fat person that orders a coke a diet coke because you figured they didn't know what was best for them and tell them they obviously needed te diet, same difference.
gotta luv this part of your "story", you're contradicting yourself, majorly.
between Nov. 5 and today
todays story
Nov. 5
where's any mention of this running bad in your build thread posts ?
low compression ? piston noise ? excessive ring gap ? or any other of this nonsense you now speak ?
oh thats right, there is none.
Correct I have more class than to air my dirty laundry and tried to remain positive and not bring issues that were between myself and Mr. O'Connor to the public eye but since you and he insisted on making his a public fre for all where you could gang up an me insult me , try to discredit me , then sweep it all under the rug. Who am I to deny the spectacle that the staff asked for. It's kinda funny I am so in the wrong and the Ken has so much cootg and classnthatnhe wants it brought up, so he can make a mockery of me for calling him out.
way before any of this, on Sept 21, you started a convo with me wanting to know how to clean the bottom end after your last piston shattered, and asked if spraying brake cleaner down into it would clean it out good enough.
at which time I told you to "split the cases to clean out the shrapnel and rebuild the bottom end".
then no mention in your build thread or to me about the bottom end at all, for 2 weeks, nothing.
yet you chronicled the rest of it in great detail.
I only chronicled the porting work, as everything esle was basically done step for step from Kens videos which is another reason I didn't say anything puboically till drawn out to do so. Reguardless of Kens I can do no wrong attitude ,talk about a godly self imageand the horrible unprofessional junior high pissing match type of treatment I have recieved, he has done a lot for e community and I learned quit a bit from his videos, which is where my original inspiration to do my own porting come from. I really hated to admit to myself even that he would act like he has
then 2 weeks later on Oct. 6, magically the bottom end is done.
so, from sept 21 to oct 6, (2 weeks) you split the cases and cleaned, ordered and recieved new bearings, a crank splitter, an $80 tusk crank puller, yamabond, split and reassembled with all new bottom end parts,
yet no posts on the forum asking for advice, or messages to me on how splitting your first set of 2 stroke cases went, how you reassembled it, ect. ect ?
no mention of the bottom end at all, it just magically got done ?
There was no magic to the bottom end being done, I even personally thanked you for having me replace the main bearings, as well as have reciepts for main bearings, crank puller, seals, locknuts, etc. I also mention doing the shift mod, there is noting magic about the bottom being done nothing interesting not noteable either, except for me talking about you being right about never being able to get the bearings clean after askirt failure.
Read more: http://www.blasterforum.com/conversations/thanks-for-the-like.64354/#ixzz3sqkeir8Zesrings
I'm not buying it, at all.
2 days ago you started a new "conversation" with me about this deal with ken,
I asked you some very simple questions to answer, including if you had actaully cleaned and rebuilt the bottom end.
yet you refused to answer even one of them............
I didn't answer any of you questions because inhad already answered e questions else where and clearly expressed to you that I did not wish to go back and forth with you over is issue that Ken and I were having? I only mentioned anything to you because I did not know Kenn staff and he had mentioned reporting me fornsometing but didn't say what.
And I do appreciate you linking everyone to a conversation after you told me it was against to post conversations not there contents in the forums,
your lack of cooperation, lack of provided info, tongue twisted contradicting stories, refusal to send the piston into wiseco on kens dime, your rant calling ken everything but a white man, accusing him of doing this purposefully to you, before he could ask you to send the whole top end back for inspection/remedy......has really limited your options here.
There was no lack of cooperation with Ken, and considering his offering for me to send the piston tomonenof his contacts was a last ditch effort to weasel out of an abvious mistake. I have the piston here as well as everything else, funny how you wanted to start this as soon as I let on like I had had the jug honed lol its still right here , if anyone really gives a sh*t to see form themselves I welcome anyone to come on by and examine my tools, the piston jug etc?
But seeing as how Ken absolutely broke my trust by encouraging me to continue to ride , even though he was aware of a piston slap and clearance issue. And this circus that has followed has done nothing to help. The very least he owes me a 18.5cc head at which time I will happily sent the 21cc deal back for someone else that fits the 90%.
as for anyone calling you an idiot, I don't see that anywhere, nor is it needed,
you've done way to good of a job at that for yourself.