I'll add my input here, since both parties have involved me.
Got my stuff back, put it together found out I had 21cc not 19cc head, ring end gap seemed large, definitely was over the minimum, first start up I noticed some piston slap,
no, no and no again.
where have you up until right now, ever mentioned ring end gap was large ?
it's not in your build thread.
it's not in any of the conversations between you and I and ken.
never was this mentioned, sure looks like you're making sh-it up as you go.
you didn't ask for a 19cc head, the build sheet you filled out in your own handwrting says ...........
"18.5 cc ? (hemi or torroidial) or for pump gas"
At this point although I am not proud of it I let Ken have it there is no doubt now that not only did he not cut my head to the spec I requested so I could run 95 or 100 octane pump gas
in another message I've seen you said "he gave me an almost stock head"
do you even know the cc of a stock head ?
you had no clue what you wanted or what works on these blasters.
he gave you what works and is what 90%+ of us run very successfully.
even if you can get 100 octane from a pump, it is not considered "pump gas", as was hand written on your build sheet.
gotta luv this part of your "story", you're contradicting yourself, majorly.
between Nov. 5 and today
todays story
Get to the trail ride gently for 30 minutes, all seems well.
After it has cooled, go back out this time I ride it pretty much normally with the exception of no extended wot, but I did really get the rpms up for the first time, ride for an hour or so and notice everytime I ride easy for a while, it seems a little weak, until I accelerate fairly hard through a few years a couple times, then the power comes back.
Nov. 5
spent about 2 hours at the trails, and put almost another hour and a half on the engine. The more and harder I ran it the more it come to life, 4,5,6 th passed by as quick as I could shift. I over shot my target by a little, and I am making more power than expected. Pulls decent from idle up to about 3250 where midrange stsrts.
From 3250 -5500 has a nice midrange grunt and the real power is only a clutch finger away.. at 5500 all hell breaks loose until a 8000 rpm shift, or a snappy 9200 rpm where the over rev dies off. The power band reminds me of a mid-late 90's cr125. That thing is faaasst now, picks up the speed as fast as traction allows.
Making good power now,so good in fact when I come rolling around the concrete driveway at the corner of my house in 3rd aND rolled on the throttle, I let off (back thumbed it, lol) 3 times before finally having to stop finding myself sideways looking at the house. My driveway isn't slick it is actually quite rough and really chews the rubber off the tires.
where's any mention of this running bad in your build thread posts ?
low compression ? piston noise ? excessive ring gap ? or any other of this nonsense you now speak ?
oh thats right, there is none.
way before any of this, on Sept 21, you started a convo with me wanting to know how to clean the bottom end after your last piston shattered, and asked if spraying brake cleaner down into it would clean it out good enough.
at which time I told you to "split the cases to clean out the shrapnel and rebuild the bottom end".
then no mention in your build thread or to me about the bottom end at all, for 2 weeks, nothing.
yet you chronicled the rest of it in great detail.
then 2 weeks later on Oct. 6, magically the bottom end is done.
OK so I got the bottom end done, and am waiting on the money to send the top end off.
so, from sept 21 to oct 6, (2 weeks) you split the cases and cleaned, ordered and recieved new bearings, a crank splitter, an $80 tusk crank puller, yamabond, split and reassembled with all new bottom end parts,
yet no posts on the forum asking for advice, or messages to me on how splitting your first set of 2 stroke cases went, how you reassembled it, ect. ect ?
no mention of the bottom end at all, it just magically got done ?
I'm not buying it, at all.
2 days ago you started a new "conversation" with me about this deal with ken,
I asked you some very simple questions to answer, including if you had actaully cleaned and rebuilt the bottom end.
yet you refused to answer even one of them............
you also had this top end off and re-ported the exhaust port, then re-assembled it (remember me asking about that in your thread ?)
1.you re-ported it based on it not running like you thought it should, BEFORE even tuning the carb 100% ? WTF ?
2.did you ever get the carb 100% ?
3.did you re-chamfer the exhaust port ?
4.did you clean it 300% no porting dust left anywhere ?
5.did you use a new base gasket ?
6.new or annealed head gasket ?
7.did you do heat cycles again ?
8.retorque head/base nuts after last heat cycle, again ?
9.did you leakdown test again ?
What was the results of your compression test when you first installed the cylinder from Ken ?
What was the results of your compression test after you boogered up the porting more,
and re-installed it ?
your lack of cooperation, lack of provided info, tongue twisted contradicting stories, refusal to send the piston into wiseco on kens dime, your rant calling ken everything but a white man, accusing him of doing this purposefully to you, before he could ask you to send the whole top end back for inspection/remedy......has really limited your options here.
as for anyone calling you an idiot, I don't see that anywhere, nor is it needed,
you've done way to good of a job at that for yourself.