you still haven't addressed the 4 point seizure at least 2 members say they clearly see in the pics.
danced right around those suggestions, as you did all of kens suggestions to try and figure this out before.
which BTW, no way a piston 4 point seized if it was as loose in the bore as you claim.
I haven't addressed the accusation of 4 point sezure because that is the most ridiculous ini have ever heard , while certainly not accurate for doing such work a feeler guage will not just fit right in with out scratching and scarring ( especially a curved surface ) unless there is more than room for a guage.
I don't do engine work for a ivinf and don't own a dial bore guage, with all previous motor jobs I have always been able to successfully trust my machinist, never had a problem, had I known I could not trust Ken to even look into it . I would have at least got a set of new T guages , and a decent 2-3 inch micrometer and checked it before.
The only target on me, you had the audacity after helping me through the bottom end , replacing and not cleaning the main bearings and such ,to turn around and suggest that I never even split the cases.
I never suggested any misdoing other than my own, and never asked anything of Ken but to help me determine what happened, which he is not required and did not do. Lots of questions and accusations ,but no answers. So after seeking the advice of not one but two local professionals, one which I liked and one who was a total massaginistic ahole. Both agreed there was excessive clearance, both confirmed it had to have been cut that way, one even suggested I "soften" the top curve and radius of my exhaust port or I might run into ring wear problems sooner than the 40 hours I was hoping to get out of it. Something to do with the ring wear lines on either side of the exhaust port and how the ring wear would be less if those two areas where the rings absorb the force of coming back out of the exhaust port were spread out and wider.
Anyhow only after that did I suggest any error on Kens behalf. The funny thing is i dont see you posting up that conversation unedited. I already admitted to "letting him have it" anyone who just left not one but two shops with the same answer would have.
And go figure, that the new piston which is roughly 5.5 thou larger at the skirt fit easily with no lube through the bore.
As well as the FACT that the heat and destruction that would have been caused by wearing away .005 of material in less than an hour of no load and a couple hours of moderate load would have caused a nasty seizure with balled up aluminim stuck in the piston and chewed into the bore.
I am now not even going to bother to take any further picture or time on this , I would sooner drop a grand and line up ten different professionals in the field, and present them with what is now a toy for my 4 year old, and see you refute a video report of what they saw. ( he thinks its fun dropping then piston through the bore and listening t the thud on the floor, and thinks the piston looks great as a wheel on his little trucks tst he builds.). But really I got too much going on wasting any more time with this crap, I got screwed, no biggie , maybe he needed the money to keep up the bills on all that high dollar machinery ,any thing that could make he and his entire staff ,flawless, blameless and incapable of a mistake must be expensive. I make plenty of mistakes, the one that caused excessive clearance, wasn't one of them.