what does /\ that mean ?
you've had it apart already since assembling this new engine ?
if so, did you anneal the head gasket or use a new one ?
re-leakdown test ?
I'll second the cheap compression testers as garbage, I have 2 of them, a harbor freight and an ebay special.
they worked a few times each, then sh-it the bed. new o-rings did nothing.
you do want to buy/beg/borrow/steal a good tester to get a basleine for future tests to track wear as compression drops, or not.
compression is the best indicator as to whats going on in there piston/ring/cylinder wise
Yes I had to take it apart, long story short i screwed the pooch and went further thsn intended on main transfers, it wouldn't idle for crap, and was taching out where I hoped it to hit the second wind of the toomey. Had to go in and raise the exhaust port to compensate for the low blowdown and high transfer. It worked and it also gave me a chance to get proper measurements with the piston in cylinder on, feeler guage, etc.
Yes, I originally used a new head gasket because I had it, and set the one I had annealed aside, which I used this, time.
Yes, shhh but I had to use a less than ideal base gasket, so I did test it, only went 5 minutes because I had to hold pressure against the intake insert to keep it sealed, will have to wrap it with a little tape or plasti-dip it before next time, I didn't break the intake seal this time, but did tape over intake ports.
I actually bought the guage from a brick and mortar harbor freight store, it's going back in the morning, and getting g swapped out for the next one up. Which probably uses the same position guage.
I need to get a seat cover, when I top it out in 6th that loose duct tape has got to be holding me back, but I hate to loose the racer boy graphic

Actually I have a bad habit about that kind of thing, should have seen my cars back in the day never would replace that dented left fender but the motor, stayed fully tuned, clean K&N, secret fuel treatment (1 cup methanol per tank) works great on fuel injected engines with the base timing bumped (chrysler/Mitsubishi 3.0l v6 w/ dist.) Hard to see a dirty dingy black car in the dark turning triple digits down curvy 2 lane back roads. I was like catch me if U can mother truckers. Then one day I got caught