Okay so heres what I paid $100 for!

Yeah I just told people to offer me something . I want to polish up those clutch covers
It varies by what you're selling but as I recall the "final value" fee (the fee Ebay charges for you selling something) is like 8% and then the paypal transaction fee (the fee for someone being able to pay you via paypal independent of the Ebay fee) is 3%.

It's not an insane amount ($5.50 or so) but that crap adds up. People call it "Feebay" for a reason....

Trick is, people on Ebay will buy stuff while people on here either don't have the money or the demand isn't as high.
Yeah I'll see what's up , I just have all those a arms and have no use ! I don't think they will sell ?
well, stock a-arms aren't in high demand but if they're in good shape someone might buy like a single a-arm to get a good ball joint. Might be worth $10 a piece if the boots are good and the tubes are straight? Basically gonna be giving them away but you've got enough to hand them out like Halloween candy, now! I:I LMAO!