New here, new blaster! What's up!!!


New Member
Oct 15, 2020
So for my birthday I aquired a blaster for myself. The oil was disconnected , carb was filthy and it had clay dirt and oil all over it (regular motor oil like 10w30 I undeleted the oil pump system disassembled the plastics and degreased, scrubbed everything ,ran ultrasonic on carb and oil pump , got her running and tuned in, left tors on ,bleached the oil res , replaced oil lines with clear equalivent lines, replaced fuel lines(clear) bleached the white springs , tossed in a 12v battery and some rock lights. (Clear lines look awesome with 2cycle oil and the fuel line refracts a little light too)

Then I ordered the following
Banshee yfz250 caltric rear axel and hubs
Banshee rims
3.5 lowering kit
New cool blue chain
6ply street tires sunf
Nerfbars (banshee) needs mods
Added dial tach and dial speedo neighbor gave me .(speedo is in kmph,ohh well)

I'm going to order a 03-06 blaster brake hub , any of yall have one for sale?
Also looking for extended swingarm, and +3+1 a arms if the lowering kit doesnt give the stance I want , I'm aiming for and exeet "style" build.

The speedo is a 8 wire dial anyone know how to hook these up?

I'm also interested in any parts yall may have laying around such as aftermarket clutch levers, hydro brakes(rear) for extended swing and replacement front fenders (blue)
Also could use some pretty , straight, like new knuckles.

My blasty is a 2000 and I'm located in central TX cant wait for this build! The most urgent part I need is that brake hub

It's a lot for an intro post , I am a sponsored builder but blasters is so old my sponsors vendors cant provide all I need without lengthy back order so it's been out of pocket ebay/amazon build due to me not wanting to wait or purchase lonestar due to pricing. (Sponsors dont fully cover this stuff "yet") but I hope to change that in a few builds.
Will upload pics later files to large for forums system.
Fortunately motor was 100%, (it wasnt running but a new coilpack and carb clean addressed running issues),
It sometimes is a bit hard to start. Then sometimes it starts first or second kick.

when this one gives up I'll rebuild it and sell it and buy a dropped bike and swap it. Much to my suprise this thing goes about 68mph as it is.(fmf fattygold,pc2 may have a possible bore done but I havnt checked) I'm almost willing to bet the new tires alone will help me get to 70+

I think I'm gonna do a timeline video of the build.
Sprockets. May have been changed?
13-40 is stock gearing
What size tire you putting on?
Rears are 20x10x9 (og21x10-8) fronts are 21x7-10,
68mph was old crappy tires.(stock!)
I'll investigate the gearing when I swap the chain/axle , I've cancelled the caltric and am looking for a banshee +2 or longer for an overall widen of +5.5 or more , I'm not going for speed tbh looks are the "main" focus This may be on display at waco motorsports when its complete.
I'm also looking for new fenders ,I would trade someone that's intending to shave theirs ,mine have a rip/tear. May kick some cash too. Blue please
Cut 2" off the right pipe , came out a good fit, the left side taps the heel guard a little bit , I think I'm going to use u bolts to mount the plate as I do not have the ears that attach to the motor mount , I could drill the frame to bolt the center peice on but I dont like that idea. A simple washer on the outer foot peg bolt would prevent
the heel guard rub I suspect. I dont mind a little improvising but I want a looker and dont want it looking tacky.