need some blaster mafia in maine

i just called his cell, and left this message.............

yo , my names is guido, and i live over here in augusta, real close to you, and my man scot from blasterforum wants me to pay you a visit , but i'm gonna give you 48 hours to provide him with a valid tracking number, or you'll be seeing me real soon

at least he knows, that we know where to find him ???????
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i just called his cell, and left this message.............

yo anthony, my names is guido, and i live over here in augusta, real close to you, and my man scot from blasterforum wants me to pay you a visit over there at 212 access highway, but i'm gonna give you 48 hours to provide him with a valid tracking number, or you'll be seeing me real soon

and i looked up limestone on mapquest and picked out a town about 20 miles away before i called, i should have recorded it, my 'ol lady rollin on the floor, she said i sounded like straight outta the godfather movie, baaaaaahahahahaa

at least he knows, that we know where to find him ???????

awesome bro!!!! i want to call him.... but ..... its not safe!! lol.. hahahahah this is so awesome
man this is so great! I didn't expect a responce like this. awk you da man! not that you need or are asking for rep but it will be given to you and everyone else that is helpin out here! anything you guys ever need blaster or anything else related just let me know
man this is so great! I didn't expect a responce like this. awk you da man! not that you need or are asking for rep but it will be given to you and everyone else that is helpin out here! anything you guys ever need blaster or anything else related just let me know

bro. were a family. when one of our family members gets mistreated, the family handles it! we got ur back bro!
i called his cell,.
you guys said "no answer, "busy", and "cant get thru"
for the home number
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wheres phragle the godfather when we need him, he'd be very proud of us and be sendin cannoli's to all his "capo's"

i used no fake phone number or even blocked mine, i want him to know who called him
I called numerous amounts of times and left a message on the cell.I will blow those numbers uptomorrow from many of different numbers.I don't block the calls either,I would love for him to call back!!!
ok i sent him a voicemail without calling him. i explained "hello anthony. im aware that you sold an AC racing bumper to a kind gentlemen on blasterforum. he thought he could trust you. weve been told that the bumper hasnt been sent yet. nor have you been on blasterforum. so, you took his money, and ran. thats stealing. maybe a kind phone call to your mother or father at limestone maine 04740 would help out. thanks for stealing. im on to you. have a great day!" -exactly what i said
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"ok i sent him a voicemail without calling him."

how do you do that without actually calling him ?????