need some blaster mafia in maine

It went to voicemail. I left him one. I recorded it to. Creepy voice, for sure. I'll post it soon.
I was searching his name and trying to find his moms name.If memory serves me correct he lives with Mom.I did find another male in Limestone though.Maybe an uncle or Dad??? Time to get the ball rolling.
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he def has a dad around he mentioned him in some old posts i was sortin through

I could be wrong but I am still pretty sure he lives with Mom.Dad is in the picture but I don't believe he lives with him.He used to be alot more active a few years ago and this is just off of memory from then.Bottom line show me the money!!!
lets take a collection for gas money !!!!!
i got some loot layin in paypal, basaaaaahahahahaha

lets see what some phone calls do, now that we have an addy
Looks like mom to me with a phone number.Time to call.Same address as awkster posted!!!
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that's awesome awk. great research! now i just need to figure out how to contact his folks and i'm sure this will all get taken care of. all i really want is my ac bumper