That's it!!!! That's the color for my 88! Just need a white tank and hood! That's it!White with Grabber Blue... I can almost see it... Awesomeness!!!
paint the frame black or go red white and blue lol
Have you seen my sexy ass frame?
lol yea nice color, im just not a fan of painted plastics but if you changed the matte plastics to gloss it would be even sexier!
Just cause I sport a red frame Doesn't make me bias but, I do like that red! Really pops! Instead of black what about a titanium grey or darker silver??? You know, like the newer* Eleanor???
You mean Maier? Like body parts Maier? Lol, got a pic?
Nah, motormans not a pic whore, no way lmao!!!
Is that silver or their CF black??? It looks awesome either way! Nice choice pic whore!!! Lmfao!!!! And before you say it, I'm a pic Slut, BIG difference! Lol
With that red, it's gonna be sharp!!! Now you gotta get a seat picked out....whore.
What color were you thinking for the tank n hood? Same silver? What about gloss black hood n tank and a black gripper seat? Or black n silver, maybe some SS stripes???