Awk08 Aug 17, 2012 please vote responsibly.............
please vote responsibly.............
B B blasty 95 Jul 13, 2012 I could do 100 bucks shipped on both carbs an the intake.. let me know if your interested. Thanks
B B blasty 95 Jul 7, 2012 Gonna be a whole different bike man. Plus 4 going to put the power to the GROUND haah
Quadrider10 Jun 29, 2012 yea but still not sopse to talk someone into beliving you into needing to rebuld something for 200$ when you dont. thats eaither steeling or raping.... lol. but yea anyways thnaks man! i hop im able to go!
yea but still not sopse to talk someone into beliving you into needing to rebuld something for 200$ when you dont. thats eaither steeling or raping.... lol. but yea anyways thnaks man! i hop im able to go!
Quadrider10 Jun 29, 2012 lol i still just cant belive that guy who wanted to rebuild it..... bastard.
mjgnslngr Jun 27, 2012 BB & Z Auto Repair 973.291.8785 1167 Route 23 South Kinnelon, NJ 07405 these guys do nitrogen