Almost Everything you need to know about Blasters!

lol oh cmon, why do people say that whenever im nice? i can be harsh, but its like when your parents would beat you when you do something stupid, its for your own good.
Cant we all just get along? I mean sh*t you both had write ups one was just better then the other. No need to brag or be a dick. The write ups are gonna help ALOT of people. I hate digging for that stuff. Now its in an awesome sticky. GOOD JOB GUYS.........
dude ur a geniouse...haha but be prepaired for some stupid ppl to still post these questions that were just answerd he in this bangin thread...
well ive done it a couple times already, but maybe everyone can help others out. give em a link to here if there looking for help with parts or upgrading or just might need to read up some more.
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thanks dude. i need to ask djack if theres a way for me to be able to edit this again. i guess after a certain amount of time you cant edit posts anymore. id really like to be able to keep fixing it, it could be alot better with time.
Sounds good. Clutches are a good one to hit on. Also good oils. Transmissions are complicated and expensive to repair. A clutch is simple to replace. I've seen a lot of people screw up their transmissions because they shift without the clutch. Eventually they start to miss gears and have to use excessive force to get it into gear. If used, a good race clutch and basket can be the difference between winning and loosing. Not much, you summed up most of the important stuff. Great post
Thanks. yeah i want to be able to edit it. i keep thinking of more stuff, and people keep giving good ideas of what to add. this could be extremly good if i was still able to edit it. i could go more in depth within each section like you said, oils and other tips and such.
i definetly need to clean my carb. my bike is been sitting for a while but i never done it so i have to do some research on how to do it...
How about how to put a shee axle on a pre 03? I know there's a thread somewhere, just can't find it. Something stating "how to" other than just use a shee brake hub.