yeah.. he gave me 1/2 the moneuy on a balster engine he said he was FOR SURE buying.. and i agreed to hold it for him.. so he could send the other 1/2 2 weeks later.. well the day thta i'm suppsed to get the other 1/2 of the money he says "oh i got laid of today i need that money back" and gave me a sob story about haveing to provide for his family and such... well being that i know how that is because at the time i was laid off too. i was sympathic and sent him his 1/2 the money back... then a coupel days later he's on here with pic of this engine his brother "gave" him.. and then i see him talking about all the different sh*t he just bought for his blaster... providing for your family through a layoff at work huh? backign out on the deal is one thing.. lying to me and giving me a sob story about how your family is hurt by the fact that you agreed to buy an engine is a compeltely different story.. it goes to show what kind of guy he is... using your family as a pawn to back out of a deal with a guy that was going out of his way to help you... and in turn he took the "garenteed" money away from my household that at that point i was counting on.. and he knew that because i told him "i normally don't do this 1/2 now 1/2 later sh*t because if the buyer backs out i'm out $ and / or another potential buyer" i guess that goes to show just what kind of guy he really is. a f**cking liar..
i would of told him that the deposit is not refundable thats what i usually would of been a tough choice either way due to the sob story..