liquid5soul is a crook dont buy or sell to him

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yeah.. he gave me 1/2 the moneuy on a balster engine he said he was FOR SURE buying.. and i agreed to hold it for him.. so he could send the other 1/2 2 weeks later.. well the day thta i'm suppsed to get the other 1/2 of the money he says "oh i got laid of today i need that money back" and gave me a sob story about haveing to provide for his family and such... well being that i know how that is because at the time i was laid off too. i was sympathic and sent him his 1/2 the money back... then a coupel days later he's on here with pic of this engine his brother "gave" him.. and then i see him talking about all the different sh*t he just bought for his blaster... providing for your family through a layoff at work huh? backign out on the deal is one thing.. lying to me and giving me a sob story about how your family is hurt by the fact that you agreed to buy an engine is a compeltely different story.. it goes to show what kind of guy he is... using your family as a pawn to back out of a deal with a guy that was going out of his way to help you... and in turn he took the "garenteed" money away from my household that at that point i was counting on.. and he knew that because i told him "i normally don't do this 1/2 now 1/2 later sh*t because if the buyer backs out i'm out $ and / or another potential buyer" i guess that goes to show just what kind of guy he really is. a f**cking liar..

i would of told him that the deposit is not refundable thats what i usually would of been a tough choice either way due to the sob story..
well i see he gave a "laid off support my family deal" i asked him in a pm why he didnt send yb and 305's sh*t, saying i was giving him a chance to tell his side of the story, he came back with a story 'bout his dad dying in virginia and he had to travel and about the cost of funerals these days, why am i the only one he told that story to???? if his dad did die, then he has my sympathy's but sumthin sounds fishy to me!!!!
anyone on here have his address, post it up, we could send uncle guido and his louisville slugger to pay him a visit
yeah he did tell me his dad died, BUT he also told me he was going to ship my end of the deal friday 3 f-in weeks ago..
not to mention are trade was over 10 weeks ago and i sent my stuff out the next day....i have delt with several people on here including freek and 305 and they both know how fast i ship my sh*t out
well our deal was set up before the dad thing even supposedly happend.. id say about two weeks earlier so whats the reason for not sending the first two weeks.. + he's just avoiding and avoiding.. at this point ive lost all my respect for him..
not to mention are trade was over 10 weeks ago and i sent my stuff out the next day....i have delt with several people on here including freek and 305 and they both know how fast i ship my sh*t out

i would day that its time for a road trip to get ur parts!
not worth my time to deal with this childish little biotch....i just want everyone else to know about it so they dont get screwed
1) liars and thieves ALWAYS get their's sometime...

2) snitches get stitches.. I'm from South Pittsburgh and people don't respect or respond to either mentioned above.

As far as him personally i do not know him.. thanks for the heads up..

Liquid.. i would Highly suggest you make right on your deals.. IF you are a father and they see or understand the shady sh*t you may or may not do.. here's a hint..

PEOPLE are only as GOOD and their CHILDREN JUDGE them to be..

btw... im dying to see what this fella has to say..guaranteed hes got his response saved in notepad or something... just charming up a good story.... i luv me a good story :)
we should tel freek, if he doesn't man up, or at least i will tattle. i told him what a great role model to some of the younger people he is, not!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i can't beleive hpw people come on here with noce people like you guys and just ruin it by stealing money from nice guys like 370 who are willin to help you out, and steal stuff from one of the funniest and most trustable guys on here YB, i wish people like hi would grow up and get a hope he ges whats coming to him, he should at least apologize and give back what is rightfully 30 and YB's property.
we should tel freek, if he doesn't man up, or at least i will tattle. i told him what a great role model to some of the younger people he is, not!!!!!!!!!!!!!, i can't beleive hpw people come on here with noce people like you guys and just ruin it by stealing money from nice guys like 370 who are willin to help you out, and steal stuff from one of the funniest and most trustable guys on here YB, i wish people like hi would grow up and get a hope he ges whats coming to him, he should at least apologize and give back what is rightfully 30 and YB's property.
he didn't persay "steal" from me and i ended up even financially at the end.. i had some time into sh*t.. pulled the engine apart getting ready to port the cylinder for him.. i didn't start cutting on the cylinder because i've been in this spot before.. so i decided to wait... i'm not a big fan of liars..
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