liquid5soul is a crook dont buy or sell to him

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We wont see him again. no need to ban him lol
He has obviously been checking on this thread about him and he knows what he has done and how unliked he is now.
yep, i wish he would make things better, but a theif is a theif , and a liar is a liar, don't expect much out of them, i just hope he changes his ways soon, cause it will catch up with him later in life, i know if i ever see him or his his b;aster in life i will bblow up on him.i don't get why people have to do this, they ust think htey deserve more than we do or somethin.

^^sorry about spellin"
i say he gets 2 more weeks to make good on his end of the deal.........then we can all vote to see if he needs the 86

liquid i know u read this.....just make good on the deal dude, avoiding and hiding just makes things worse

the 2 worst things in the world is a liar and a thief..........remember that man!
agreed yb and freek... i personall didnt deal with him.. well idont have ablaster so i dont need parts lol.. BUT im sure there may be stuff i may buy or trade with others that i can use and what not,

wasnt it just a bunch of little stuff?? yb please pm me and fill me in on this, i know it didnt deal with me but im gonna see what i can do to help make all this right with everyone
This kind of stuff is the lowest you can go on a forum.
Maybe a triple site ban is in order.
I've seen guys man up though hopefully this is what happens.
This kind of stuff is the lowest you can go on a forum.
Maybe a triple site ban is in order.
I've seen guys man up though hopefully this is what happens.

Now were taliking Paulie.Won't have to deal with the troubled ones again on any forum.2 weeks and asta la bye bye!! Cmon liquid man up and make things right.If you screwed up then come an admit it and be a man and make things right with yb.I mean you had a couple other bad dealings and made them right,whats wrong with making yb's deal right.2 weeks time is ticking.
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