liquid5soul is a crook dont buy or sell to him

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ok seriously this is not him...i saw this lil thing and i figured i would put my 2 sense in this way u ppl knew who u were really dealing with....u guys know him from some site, i know the real him.....thought the info would ease ppl and their suspicions and stop ppl from further doin business with harm doneeee
ok seriously this is not him...i saw this lil thing and i figured i would put my 2 sense in this way u ppl knew who u were really dealing with....u guys know him from some site, i know the real him.....thought the info would ease ppl and their suspicions and stop ppl from further doin business with harm doneeee

and u coming on here just to put in ur 2 cents is just opening up a sore topic for some..........a topic that has been dealt with already

another 1 86ed !!
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