Wow, lotta action, lotta votes, some new stories, and a whole lotta white knucklin' on the edge of your seat!!!! (Well, maybe it wasn't that exciting but it was fun...)
So, just to sum it up by numbers this is how we look after, and including my vote for pat36, as we were PM'ing back and forth about the $60 sale of this carb, as many people were interested. I saw his story as eligible.
brandoz28 = 6
Tio Ale = 3
Pat36 = 1
So, after the full rundown, all the votes and comments, we folks, have a Lucky WINNER!!!!
Brandoz28 just got himself a free, no strings attached, Keihin 30mm PJ Carb, with a new, <barely used> cable for his stock thumb throttle. Now, he did not win a trip to Jamaica, or a new car, or a million dollars, but you know what?
We ALL chose to give him this carb, to continue our support and help while he strives to complete this project of his, and get his A$$ out there riding, joining us, in doing what we love. Now that is a story of a winner's circle, and you all owe yourself a pat on the back...
I am honored to be a part of such a good group of guys and gals, period...
Brando, I am going to final clean and prepare the carb/cable for shipping, please PM me with your personal info so it gets to you swiftly.
Have a great day BlasterForum!!! I:I I:I I:I I:I I:I I:I (6 dubba thumbs for Brandoz28 big win!!!)