Ok.... Here is what I did. I put a 270 main in it. Checked the needle, Middle slot. stock pilot. I cleaned out the choke, air'/fuel screws, and the slide. I went into the tors unit and made sure the arms and springs were all functioning right. Float levels checked, and are good. I also marked on the carb with a sharpie what is what, what jets are in it, and I pre-set the air/fuel screw 1.5 turns out.
The Idle Screw will be close, but your going to have to mess that and the air fuel screw when you install it.
The oil injection nipple has a red circle drawn around it, so you know where it is.
I'll throw a note in the box with my cell # if you need help.
Don't forget, that 270 main is about as close to what you might need as I have on hand. Order yourself some more jets and Plugs. Do the Chops, and Jet it right for the mods/conditions.
Good luck with the Blaster. It will be fun when you get it all running right. This forum has bailed me and countless others out of jams. Its a good place, and will help you and your Blaster out!