Jets dont open, throttle cable wont move

The vaccum cap should go on the nipple that has red sharpie circled around it.

The Slosh gaurd needs taken out of your old carb and put in the new one I sent ya.

Then you should be ready to fire up.
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Ya, but Shes ugly so I think Im gonna go a complete tear down, powder coat, and make some carbon fiber body. You think I could run a ram air style intake? Like I know id have to rejet and all, but would it be worth my time?
Shes comin along good. Adjusted the throttle because it was gummed up, but now its nice and snappy. Instead of just hookin it all up and going I'm gonna do things right and do a complete tear down and rebuild. Decited this when I saw the previous owner only adjusted one side of the chain tensioner, cooked the throttle cable on the exhaust because he didn't put it in the clip and the clutch lever was cracked. On top of that he had his exhaust hooked up horribly. But I've been taking pics so I'll make a tear down thread.
Man so Ive hit more problems. Put in the carb, got spark, throttle has no problem, but still wont turn over. I pulled the plug and checked it and didn't smell like gas, so could it be the reeds, or something in my wiring not letting it fire.
Like I thought maybe it was I possibly put too much advance on my stator, but I would still get some kind of scent on my plug, but nothin. I don't get it. Like its along way from being drive worthy, but just wanted to hear her fire up to know I'm making progress.
Could possibly be the reeds. Take the carb back off and look in on your reed's to see if they are chipped or blown. Air Filter clean? Check to see if you have a good flow of gas going to the carb. Make sure the fuel is turned on also.

Maybe try a new plug too. That never hurts either.

You'll get it running.....just keep on trying.
Brand new plug, Ive got tons of plugs. Tryed starter fluid just to see if it would start. Again I know its frowned on, but just want to know I got forward progress. So despite having spark on kick start does that mean I do the whole time and its just not letting it fire. I also have an adjustable stator, maybe I set it wrong. On your note where it said 1.5 turns to the right, might I need to change that to get more flow?
Don't use starting fluid!!!!!

The air screw is set 1.5 turns out from slightly tight....thats a close setting, it will fire up, but will need fine tuned. (later once you get running and understand a little bit about it more)

Is it doing nothing at all? spit, sput, pop, anything??? Did you do a compression check?

That a new stator?. Member Wifesblaster just had a bad time with a new one. Put a stocker in and it worked.

and once more.....Don't use starting fluid.
Brand new plug, Ive got tons of plugs. Tryed starter fluid just to see if it would start. Again I know its frowned on, but just want to know I got forward progress. So despite having spark on kick start does that mean I do the whole time and its just not letting it fire. I also have an adjustable stator, maybe I set it wrong. On your note where it said 1.5 turns to the right, might I need to change that to get more flow?

set the stator back to the stock position until you get it running, then play with timing advances.

refer here for pics of the timing advance
It wasn't a modified plate, its a aftermarket stator.

i lnked that thread so you could see the rotation and amount needed to advance it... clockwise
and the timing marks.

don't matter if the stator is from toys-r-us, the advance procedure will be the same :)