if we keep getting new girl members

Um okay, this forum is completely pointless. Because girls ride with actual clothes on their bodies. If she is not wearing clothes, she is trying way too damn hard for some attention. Sorry perverted assholes.

Well a bikini top is clothes. It is really no different from a guy not wearing a shirt when he rides. In the summer I ride in shorts riding boots helmet and gloves. No shirts and if there is one it isn't much of one.
Well a bikini top is clothes. It is really no different from a guy not wearing a shirt when he rides. In the summer I ride in shorts riding boots helmet and gloves. No shirts and if there is one it isn't much of one.

Okay, it is a lot different when a girl just has a bikini top on than when a guy has his shirt off.
And if you do not know that difference, then oh well.
How it is no different then swimming? Now if it was super tight and let her lady parts hang all out then it would be different.

Oh yeah f*ck cannon, GO NIKON :) :) :) :)
Um okay, this forum is completely pointless. Because girls ride with actual clothes on their bodies. If she is not wearing clothes, she is trying way too damn hard for some attention. Sorry perverted assholes.

Uhmmmm okay.... this is/was a thread about making a calander not riding gear, and is not 'perverted' nobody asked girls to be naked or simulate sex acts on a clutch lever.

just a simple calander featuring blasters and girls in bikini's.. no different than the hundreds of other calanders in the mall. with bikini girls on cars, shirtless firefighters holding axes etc.
Me having a girl friend has nothing to do with talking about what would sell to the people. I said this stuff would sell, and it would. Look at playboy, hustler, girls gone wild, and all the other things making a buck off some girl that wants to get naked. It sells. The human body sells. I was saying it is a good way to make some money.
Uhmmmm okay.... this is/was a thread about making a calander not riding gear, and is not 'perverted' nobody asked girls to be naked or simulate sex acts on a clutch lever.

just a simple calander featuring blasters and girls in bikini's.. no different than the hundreds of other calanders in the mall. with bikini girls on cars, shirtless firefighters holding axes etc.

Mmk, well this coversation was done long ago.
And I never said I had anything against someone making a calendar.
Me having a girl friend has nothing to do with talking about what would sell to the people. I said this stuff would sell, and it would. Look at playboy, hustler, girls gone wild, and all the other things making a buck off some girl that wants to get naked. It sells. The human body sells. I was saying it is a good way to make some money.

Um no, you were personally saying you would like to see another girl (not your girlfriend) in a bikini and all this other stuff.
I know you are "a guy", but still dude, have some respect for your girlfriend.