I have to say, even tho I wear my helmet when I'm not putsing around in my own yard, it is foolish to not wear a helmet. This poll on the other hand, mind you I haven't read all the posts, seems ridiculous to is and the result could be an utter abuse of authority. Not all states require the use of helmets, so how can a web forum mandate it? If someone wants to tempt fate, ride like an ahole and post pictures of themselves doing it, then that's on them. If you are someone who has integrity, maturity and wants to be a leader for safety and post pictures with your helmet on, kudos to you. I gone it unbelievably unconstitutional for a web forum to censor a members freedom of speech and expression. They are just photos and videos people, you don't like it, that is fine. You don't want your children acting foolish, step up and make that a teachable moment instead of one where you choose to act immature and lash out at the person posting.
I wish everyone safety, health and happiness. I will wear my helmet, I ask you do the same so that my tax dollars don't go to feeding you, housing you and and paying for your medical bills, all because you want to take a picture of you smiling while you attempted a double pits to chesty and failed. I'm voting no to this poll, just because of the principal of the poll.