ok.im just giving a heads up. if you got a quad or truck or car and don't make your payments and live in n.y or.p.a that's if you have a loan on it i mean. i will get it.. and if you owe just turn it in. i hate waiting in people's front yards or drive ways waiting for you to leave to take your quad or truck or whatever it is.. so please all my friends on here if you can't make payments either don't buy it or bring it in on your own.it will save you tons of $$$$$$ i do this all the time and i feel terrible about it but it's part of my job.. and if you try selling it and you owe on it ...!!!! don't call me for bail money... trust me i see allot of good guys and gals get caught up in this crap and its not worth it. i don't care if you know me and don't trust me.there are hundreds of us...I'm just trying to look out for you guys and saying it's much easier to just turn it in. hit me up in a message or something if your on that scenario and i will take care of ya. i promise..otherwise it can be a real headache for ya.. i see it all the time..but i can help you out if needed.. i can't say much but you would be amazed at things we legally do to get it back... so please don't take me the wrong way.I'm just trying to look out for ya,s... give me a message before I'm in your drive way and chances are you can save it... thanks...